Good value but didn't meet all our expectations.
April 25, 2022
This 5-in-1 bundle is a good deal but was not for us.
The car seat is really wonderful: lightweight, nice materials, cozy. The base that comes with the 5-in-1 kit I got is NOT the base with the stabilizing bar. That was important to us and it felt misleading that all the pictures of the car seat online showed the stabilizing bar with the base. I don't think you can even buy the car seat separately without the stabilized base now. The listing just didn't make it clear that wouldn't be part of the deal. So be sure to know that and be fine with it in advance.
As for the stroller, it's really pretty nice. The frame was a little bulky for us, but it's really nice that it has the bassinet function. We go on very long walks and are not comfortable keeping our infant in a car seat for that long. The teal color is VERY bright. I would say brighter than the photos. So if you aren't looking for some serious color, go for a darker or more neutral choice. I also think that the darker colors look a little more tailored. The fabric of the seat/bassinet isn't very stiff or taught, so when the fabric is a lighter/brighter color this really shows in the fold shadows and it looks a little...baggy. Totally aesthetic, but kinda bugs me.
Wheels have decent suspension. It maneuvers well and seems to be able to handle most basic terrain (some gravel/grass, bumpy sidewalk, asphalt). Breaking was easy to use and access and feels secure. The fold is a little clunky with the seat in place. We have a small house and its honestly bulkier than we'd like for stowing away. It also takes up a good deal of space in the car, which we don't love. But it does stand up on its own if you put the handlebar in a more extended position before you fold, so that was a nice trick to learn.
The stroller basket is really nice and large, but there is a bar that kind of blocks access to it from the back, which is annoying. It limits the size bag/object you can place in there.
This product review was collected by the manufacturer.