Beautiful, comfortable seat for your toddler!
July 25, 2020
I bought the limited edition sweater knit Maxi Cosi Mico 30 for my daughter the week before she was born - a month prematurely. I poured over the decision of what car seat for weeks, and Albee Baby made one of the best reviewed (and cutest!) models for safety and comfort actually affordable to me. Made in USA was a must! That car seat served us well for more than two years. It was strong, comfy, easy to clean and absolutely charming. Once my little one was getting close to 30lbs, however, I knew I needed to replace it but I was facing a lot of tough choices.
I went looking for Maxi Cosi at Albee Baby again, and fell for another affordable, limited edition seat. However, this seat is a 15lbs - 85lb seat that seems silly when there are so many well reviewed harness to booster seats like the Britax Clicktight line, or the Evenflo Maestro. I seriously was driving myself crazy reading about car seats, looking up reviews and recalls. Comparing this Maxi Cosi to the harness to booster was really comparing apples to oranges because they are so different. My parents surprised me with the Maestro to put me out of my misery. It was lightweight, easy to install, did not take much room....two cupholders! It was very well reviewed for safety and it would take her up to 100+lbs. I thought that was the end of it.
We put the Maestro in my dad's pick up for a while, during a visit and my daughter was enjoying her grown up seat but when she dozed off...she looked SO uncomfortable! I have some upcoming trips in the car with her - comfort while napping is a must and I returned to the drawing board. The Maestro would be great for errands and short daily runs but I needed something comfortable.
The Britax Clicktight was my final decision - until I came across a consumers report test they did on the Clicktight models and although I was looking to buy the updated version of these that probably addressed the weaknesses exposed in that test...I really needed to feel certain that my baby girl was safe. The manufacturer of the Maxi Cosi seats has not had to issue any serious recalls and there have been no negative reviews on the safety features of this seat (or any other maxi Cosi). I do lose a bit in that this seat stops at 85lbs, and my daughter is already at about 30lbs but the incredible comfort and easy to wash cover is preventing me from regretting that fact too much.
As my parents pointed out:. You expect a toddler to keep a seat in pristine condition from 30lbs to 100+ lbs? That's a long time.
First trip in the seat, my baby girl snuggled in and drifted off to sleep in a position I envied. The seat is stable, secure, handsome and oh so comfy!
Buy it - or one just like it if you are on the fence. Your child will ride like royalty.
Thank you Albee baby
- Safe! Comfortable! Looks amazing. Made in USA. No recalls.
Best Uses
- If you are looking for a car seat for long drives or your child falls asleep in the car ALL THE TIME - this is great to keep your toddler from getting the head droop!
- This is an award weight range. 15lbs to 85lbs neither satisfies the infant stage nor does it serve as your last and final car seat. Still, if you can afford to have your child in 3 stages of car seat...this is super comfy.
- One cup holder and not particularly roomy cup holder at that.