Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
455 Reviews
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Œ€•œ민국 "œš‹œ "œ구
Verified Buyer
아쉬운 커버
March 18, 2020
€€€ œ’ Œ€€" "‹€Œ 그Œ•œ €"리‹™€ ’–˜를 •œ‹고 •"œ •’Œ “Š”š” "5 고"Š 커"Š” •"‰š Ž"š” …창 €" €‚˜˜Œ 구겨져žŠ” ‚˜ ˜†€" š려ž고(•" ‰기 œ"•"œ€Œ ”œ 구 žŠ”Œ ‚˜" “š”) œ €" ™""ž ‹€€ •ŠŠ” “ •"‰›Œš” ”›" Ÿ €" œ" ˜–"œ ‚˜˜면 ‹겠"š” 그리고 커" 주머‹Š” ”œ žŠ”Œ ” Ž• ™•"š”
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south korea
기능이나 디자인은 좋아요.
March 18, 2020
•˜€Œ Ž€ ‚žŒ“ •˜Š” ˜Ÿ "‹€" €€ •œ€ œ"˜면 ‹" ™•"š”. Šž "š 고"Š커"Š” ’‹머”"“ 보조 ž˜€ —†œ면 •" "무 물거려"œ € ” ””ž œ" •"š”• ™•"š”.
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Verified Buyer
March 14, 2020
This was bought for my granddaughters pram as it had such good reviews. This is far superior to the hood and apron included with the package......Why don't you up the price of the pram/ buggy and sell this instead? My daughter likes the way it fold in on itself to make the storage bag.
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Verified Buyer
So easy to ise
March 12, 2020
I bought this a few weeks ago for a Cam3 plus I had purchased. It is so much better than the old raincover that came with the older cams. No fiddling about, just pop on and go. Great design too
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Verified Buyer
March 12, 2020
•‹•" “œ —†– €œ’보‹ ”œ•œ ™•"š”. 근 …”를 3‹œœ ‚릴˜ —†– •"기€ €…”•˜"š”.. ˜‚€€"— ”œ 차–‘‰ ‹려žœ면 ™"벽• ™•"š”
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David w.
Verified Buyer
Perfect cover
March 11, 2020
Thank god we bought this for the English winter :)
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Verified Buyer
Super extras
March 6, 2020
Tolles Design und super einfach zu bedienen und zu verstauen
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Verified Buyer
March 6, 2020
J'étais un peu septique, et le prix me faisait un peu grincer des dents... Aucun regret. Quel plaisir pour le parent ET l'enfant.
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March 6, 2020
J'étais un peu septique, et le prix me faisait un peu grincer des dents... Aucun regret. Quel plaisir pour le parent ET l'enfant.
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Absolut Wind und regenfest !
March 5, 2020
Wie zu erwarten ein tolles extra Produkt von bugaboo. Musste es aufgrund der Jahreszeit schon oft verwenden und meiner Tochter gefällt dieses Cover sehr viel besser als andere, da sie sehr gut rausgucken kann und einen tollen rundum Blick hat.
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Verified Buyer
February 28, 2020
I never write reviews, I read them and usually trust the bad write ups. However, this rain cover is a game changer. It confused me when I took it out of the packet Initially. It's in a pouch that when turned inside out contains the actual cover -genius! You'll never lose the storage pouch because it's a part of it, and it'll keep the clear bit free from dirt and dust when not in use. It's so easy to pop on the pram (cameleon 3) no wrestling it over the bottom part of the seat frame. Love the fact you can unzip the middle and get baby in or out. Also, love the fact you don't need to fully extend the hood to keep it standing straight and fully functional. It was expensive for me but it's worked out REALLY handy especially this time of year. Made life easier when kids are concerned to me that's priceless. The design looks good too, but this is so much more than a good looking rain cover. Oh also the pouch turns into a pocket when the rain cover is in use.
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England London
Verified Buyer
February 26, 2020
Bought a few things now for my bugaboo love them!!
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England london
Verified Buyer
February 26, 2020
Bought a few things now for my bugaboo love them!!
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경기" 고–‘
Verified Buyer
너무 좋습니다
February 24, 2020
구ž…›" ‚š•˜고žŠ” œ모차• – ”žŒ고 ”›Œ" •—Š” ”œ•"œ •"기€ •€" ˜릴•""š”…Ž
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Verified Buyer
너무 이뻐요ㅎㅎ
February 23, 2020
ž˜‚š•˜고 ž–š”! —†—œ면 ‚”…œ…œ•Š" 구매•Œ ‘—š” ”ž•""œ "무 š”~
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Œ€•œ민국 경기
Verified Buyer
외출 필수템
February 18, 2020
™œ‹œ— œ ‘š”•œ 커"ž…‹‹. ’‹머”"œ 차‹˜€ •ŠŠ” ”žŒ" ‰•"주–"œ •"—Œ œš•‹‹.
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Verified Buyer
Muy rapido y comodisimo
February 17, 2020
Compre la burbuja de lluvia para el bugaboo,y es facilisimo y comodisimo de poner.
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Verified Buyer
Muy práctico y fácil de colocar
February 17, 2020
Es muy fácil de colocar y muy práctico a la hora de guardar
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Verified Buyer
February 10, 2020
Me encanta porque cuando no lo usas queda recogido de forma que no abulta nada
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Verified Buyer
Ni una gota
February 10, 2020
Estaba cansada del plástico normal que no había manera de ponerlo sin que al final me entrara agua, este se ajusta perfectamente al carro y al saco de tal manera que incluso con viento no se mueve nada, una pena no haberlo comprado antes...
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Poorly described
February 1, 2020
I bought this online thinking that it was perhaps tiger orange, or that it was a color called tiger - this rain cover has a gigantic picture of a tiger on it and does not work for us!
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Verified Buyer
핏이 딱 떨어지고 좋네요
January 29, 2020
€‚œ‹— 구ž…›" ‚š•˜고 žŠ‹‹. ’‹머”"™€ •˜ ‚š•˜‹ 겨š" "– —†"š”. 겨šŒ •"‹ 먼€•Œ문— ‚" š•꺼 ™"š”.
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Œ€•œ민국 "œš
Verified Buyer
기능이 좋습니다!
January 29, 2020
고"Š 커"™€ 겨š‚˜기 ––š”! •"기 리고 ™œ• •Œ 꼭 •"˜’!! ‚”€ 춥거‚˜, "˜ •Œ" 고"Š 커"ž‘ •˜•˜‹ ““•š”^^
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Jennifer b.
New York, NY
Great quality, easy to use
January 18, 2020
Love it not just for rainy days, but also for cold or windy days. does a great job of blocking harsh wind and protecting from the elements. Zipper makes it easy to get baby in and out without dismantling
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Verified Buyer
Perfecta en todos los sentidos
January 8, 2020
Se pone fácilmente, es de un material fino pero resistente, la cremallera es súper práctica y para guardarla ocupa poquísimo espacio. Una compra de 10
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Verified Buyer
Facil de usar y muy...
December 27, 2019
Facil de usar y muy comodo por la cremallera que tiene en el centro
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Verified Buyer
Quality product
November 18, 2019
Bought this to replace the frankly poor quality rain cover that came with our Fox , I feel for the price of this travel system the high performance cover should have been supplied .
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Huelva/ Sanlúcar de Guadiana
Verified Buyer
Muy practico
November 17, 2019
Compre este producto hace un mes, estoy súper contento con el. Fácil de colocar y de guardar.
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Verified Buyer
Great product
November 16, 2019
Bought this a second time, had it with my first bee and now again with my bee 5.Best investment. Its soo much better than the original raincover. Easy access to the child, you don't have to remove the whole thing. Really recommend.
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Verified Buyer
November 15, 2019
Compré la capota de lluvia hace un mes. Muy útil y recomendable
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Verified Buyer
Producto de alta calidad
November 14, 2019
Producto de alta calidad, ligereza però tarda mucho en llegar.
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Dubbo NSW Australia
Great quality and features!
November 12, 2019
After looking at the Bugaboo range, there is no other brand I would go for. Highly recommend!
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Verified Buyer
SO worth it
November 11, 2019
Much better than the included basic rain cover; sleek enough to leave on all fall/winter and zip shut as needed. Babe loves being able to see out so well, and I love how easy it is to open and close. I do wish it had a better mechanism for connecting to the stroller - it's just elastic, so it slips down sometimes and covers the back adjustment handle. I also wish the included pocket were waterproof for protecting my phone during storms. Otherwise perfect!
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Verified Buyer
Tolles Regencover
November 11, 2019
Gerade jetzt im Herbst unverzichtbar: durch den groŸen Plastikeinsatz ideal für meinen 1-jährigen Sohn. Er sitzt gut geschützt und kann dennoch alles sehen, was drauŸen passiert. Sehr praktisch ist der durchgehende ReiŸverschluss.
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Œ€•œ민국 "œš
Verified Buyer
가볍고 좋습니다.
November 10, 2019
”›Œ€기"— 미리 구매•˜— ‚š•˜고 žŠ‹‹. ”ž™‰œœ 매š Œ족•˜고 ž˜ ‚š•˜고žŠ‹‹.
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Lea v.
November 9, 2019
Très pratique, l'ouverture permet de remettre la tétine, avoir accès au bébé sans tout enlever. Je recommande!
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Verified Buyer
사용법이 쉽습니다.
November 7, 2019
˜†— 공" € "–"œ ”žŒ “–˜ ™긴•š”. 그™—Š” ‚š•€ "Ž•˜"š”. €격Œ€" ‹€€Š” ‚‹ ž˜ 모르겠Š‹‹.
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Verified Buyer
Muy fácil de poner
November 5, 2019
Este cubierta, a diferencia de otras, dispone de una goma que ayuda mucho a ponerlo de forma muy fácil y rápida. Además la propia cubierta, al girarla hace de su propio saco para guardarla.
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Verified Buyer
Best rain cover ever!
November 5, 2019
I bought this 2 months ago and I live in Ireland where rains a lot! Best rain cover I ever seen! Really good quality and my baby is always dry and warm
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Œ€•œ민국 "œš
Verified Buyer
기능이 좋습니다.
November 4, 2019
겨š— ”žŒ‰€ •"š”•œ œš•˜Œ “고 žŠ‹‹. ‹Œ 조 €거리Š” €"€ œ" ˜—œ면 ‹겠Š‹‹
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Verified Buyer
A vast improvement
November 3, 2019
I bought this to replace the original covers on my Donkey Duo which tore. It's a vast improvement, much easier to put on and store. I've had them about a month and they seem sturdy, hopefully the stand the test of time
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Verified Buyer
Gran producto
November 2, 2019
Hemos cogido esta capota para el fox de nuestra pequeña Gala, deseando que llegue el mal tiempo para afrontarlo con la mejor protección, calidad/precio un 10, puede parecer cara pero el tacto se ve magnífico y el material de buena calidad
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상품은 좋으나 가격에비해 조금 아쉽네요 ...
October 30, 2019
’€ ‹œ‚˜ €격—"• 조 •"‰"š” 주보기•–" ”ž€•Š고 € €거려"œ •"‰"š”...•˜€Œ ž˜“Œš”^^
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Verified Buyer
Muy práctica y funcional
October 26, 2019
Es una capota estupenda, fácil de colocar y aísla perfectamente al bebé de la lluvia. Además se pliega sobre sí misma formando una bolsa, con lo que apenas ocupa espacio. Lo recomiendo sin duda. Nuestro carro es el modelo Camaleón 2, y es compatible. Un acierto.
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Verified Buyer
Fantastic product,...
October 23, 2019
Fantastic product, easy to fit into the buggy, even in a hurry! Folds up neatly inside itself, so it is small and compact to keep in the storage basket underneath the buggy.
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Tdo muy bien
October 19, 2019
Todo muy bien y Envio muy rapido. Un placer comprar asi
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Verified Buyer
Practico para la lluvia
October 18, 2019
El producto es fácil de usar, moderno, práctico y ligero.
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Verified Buyer
So efficient
October 15, 2019
I bought this a few weeks ago in time for the cold and wet weather. This raincover is so much better than the standard version; it's easy to put on and get off the bee and the zip feature means you don't have to take the whole thing off when going in to shops!
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Verified Buyer
Una pasada
October 15, 2019
Me encanta es de muy buena calidad y la cremallera lo mejor el poder tener contacto con el bebe sin tener que quitarlo todo para mi lo mejor.
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Verified Buyer
October 14, 2019
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