Solved our flipping problems!
We had been working very hard to get our 5-month-old to sleep longer between night feedings, and it was working to a point - until he started flipping over repeatedly throughout the night. Neither leaving him alone nor flipping him back worked - he would always flip himself back (within minutes sometimes) and wail inconsolably. He has not flipped even once since we started using the DockATot a week ago! He has also slowly started to stretch out the times between feedings, he falls asleep faster, has no non-feeding wakeups, and he just seems so much more comfortable now! We are well on our way to one feeding over a 12-hour night, and I honestly can't place a value on the sleep we've all recovered due to solving the flipping problem! Yes, it is quite an investment, but my only regret is not learning about the DockATot sooner. It really is a brilliant idea, executed perfectly, and it seems like it will last a very long time (I bought the Grand, as my 5-month-old already wears 12-month clothes). So grateful I took a chance on this thing!
This product review was collected by the manufacturer.