Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
2983 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
5 Stars
January 18, 2016
Love it! This is the perfect little place for my 5 month old. He started rolling early but the DockAtot keeps him safe and I take it all over the house with me! If I can only keep my 2.5 year old out of it- might have to get him a grande! Thank you!
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5 Stars
January 16, 2016
Amazing!!! I was a little hesitant on getting a Dockatot at first because of the price and whether it would really be beneficial for our son, but after reading the reviews and not getting any more than 2-4 hours of sleep at a time I finally caved! Sleep deprivation is no joke!! Since Receiving the Dockatot on Monday our son has slept 6-8 hours at a time for the past few nights!! Such a lifesaver!! So easy to transport and will be my #1 recommendation for moms with littles who have sleep issues, or lack thereof. I love that we can use it in the bed for safer cosleeping too!!
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5 Stars
January 16, 2016
Worth every penny. We purchased our Dock-A-Tot Deluxe for our almost 5-month old LO. She was going through her 4-month sleep regression and it helped us get her back on track. Her bedtime is usually between 7:30-8:00 pm. She'll wake up between 2:30 - 3:00 am for a feeding and diaper change and is usually asleep again until 7:30 am. I regret not buying this sooner. The fabric is breathable so we don't have to worry about her possibly suffocating when she turns. Looking forward to purchasing the Grand once baby girl outgrows the Deluxe. Thanks Dock-A-Tot!
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2 Stars
January 11, 2016
Deluxe Sadly my son hates it! It makes his reflux worse, he sleeps better and longer in the rock n play
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5 Stars
January 9, 2016
Perfect Sleep Addition! The dock is a lifesaver for us! Our newborn refused to sleep anywhere but on me until we got the dock. It fits perfectly in her halo bassinet and she sleeps now for three hours at a time at night. Could not have asked for a better product for baby, highly recommend.
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5 Stars
January 8, 2016
Pretty neat I think the dock is pretty neat and a great concept! I just wish I would have looked at the description closer because my son is already almost too big for the size I purchased:(
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5 Stars
January 8, 2016
Can't live without it What a great product this deluxe Dock-a-Tot is. Our baby girl is 2 weeks old and she is calm and cozy when in her DockATot. I will be 100% ordering the grand when she is 8 months. Like I said its one of those a can't live without it products.
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4 Stars
January 7, 2016
Great product, good service We love the DockATot, and especially appreciated the extra service we received when our order was delayed because of lack of inventory. Simply great!
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5 Stars
January 7, 2016
Seriously awesome! Our little babe has always been high touch and struggled to settle herself at night. We've been using the dock-a-tot (along with a good, velcro swaddle) since she was a month old, and I can confidently say it's made all the difference. Case in point: recently I tried putting her down in the bassinet WITHOUT the dock-a-tot since she's starting to outgrow the deluxe. 30 minutes later, I peeked in to find her restless and fitful, on her side, pushed up against the mesh and clutching the railing. My heart broke. This is not good rest! Not only did we promptly return her to the dock-a-tot, but I've just ordered a grand! She's sleeping beautifully and we have dock-a-tot to thank for it!
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1 Star
January 6, 2016
Nothing special Seems likebit much more then a pad for our newborn to sleep on. We got this hoping he'd sleep longer than 1.5-2.5 hours at a time:)
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3 Stars
January 6, 2016
Lovely Product, Baby doesn't sleep any better I followed Dock A Tot on Instagram, I liked every single photo ever posted, I put products in my cart and FINALLY bought both the Deluxe and Grande. Our 8 month old is 22 lbs and 28 inches. The day they came in the mail was as exciting as Christmas for me! I opened them, took pictures...oh man....SO EXCITED. The product itself is very well packaged and very well made. SO lovely. However, I saw immediately that she is too big for the Deluxe, which is OK because we had the Grande! (Save the Deluxe for the next baby) Unfortunately she doesn't care for either of them. She can't roll over to sleep on her belly easily and wakes up frustrated. The first night we used it she was up every 45 minutes... I can't tell you how sad I am. We tried with naps several times too and nothing. She was sleeping less or not sleeping at all. She only wants to sleep on her mattress in the crib. I wanted this product to be everything that the other reviewers said it was for them. (SOLID SLEEP) We paid a lot of money for this product and I am very disappointed that they don't help. Now they just sit in her closet....a ton of money just sitting there on the floor. :( I gave the product a three because the packaging and material are nice, plus they shipped faster than estimated.
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2 Stars
January 5, 2016
Dissapointed Had better hopes for this thing. Got it when my son was 6 weeks old, he hated it. Fussed in it, didn't sleep any longer. Gave it time and he's now 13 weeks and no difference. Doesn't take any longer naps, still wakes every 2 hrs at night. To me it is really just a pillow with bumpers and therefore over priced. Pretty disappointed. Another thing it says the deluxe would work up to 8 mos and my son is already out growing it after 7 weeks. His feet have no room to stretch so i have to un latch the end but his feet hang off. and seems so squished he has to sleep with his arms up by his head or he doesn't fit. my son is average size for his age. I do like being able to co-sleep with him safely though, if only he fit better.
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3 Stars
January 5, 2016
What age do newborns start liking this? Our one-month old still prefers the Rock N Play...what age do babies start preferring this? I'm eager to transition to it for overnight sleep!
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3 Stars
January 4, 2016
Be wary if you have a tall baby! We bought this for our four month old who is sixteen pounds and very long. We also bought a grand for our toddler. When we put our baby in it his feet had to rest on top of it because he was so long. So I unfastened the buckle to give him more room. Problem is, when he sleeps in it he moves a lot and scoots himself downwards. A few hours into his co-sleeping he is half way out of the dockatot and we have to pick him up and put him back on the top. We ended up using our toddlers dockatot for him and it works much better for us but now we don??t have one for our toddler! Oh well - it??s a great product just not if you have a tall baby.
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5 Stars
January 4, 2016
Wonderful! We are loving our DockATots!! We have sold out of every size and can't wait to get more in! My son sleeps in his Grand every night 11.5 hours! Woo Hoo!!
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5 Stars
January 4, 2016
New Mama Baby and I love this thing! She's happy as a clam sleeping in it on the couch, in her crib or between us in bed! Amazing product :-)
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3 Stars
December 31, 2015
I thought it'd be like magic lol After reading all of the reviews, I thought I NEEDED a dockatot in my life, like, NOW! Well our little guy throws his legs over the sides, turns back and forth and back and forth.... I just don't feel like he's slept soundly in it yet..? He is almost 6 months old. He sleeps the same in the dockatot as out; about 4 hours, wakes to feed, and then another 4 (ish) hours. Not giving up hope, come on dockatot! Work your magic, I want 7 hour sleeps like the other reviewers are getting lol The product itself is very nice though; seems like it would be comfortable. But in terms of helping our little sleep better, not yet. But I'd still recommend one. Seems like it should feel like a little snug hug from your bed.
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5 Stars
December 31, 2015
Love it!!! This is the best thing ever. My baby wouldn't sleep for half an hour on his co-slepper. We weren't getting any sleep. Now he sleeps over 5 hours on his DockAtot. It's the best thing ever. I highly recommend it.
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5 Stars
December 27, 2015
Love it One of the best purchases for our second baby. She (and I) love it!
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5 Stars
December 25, 2015
Amazing! Our babygirl is EBF so she's not sleeping through the night quite yet at 14 weeks, but we went from 2.5 hours at a time to 4-5 hours!! She feels so secure and comfy! It's also great to take to grandmas house so she can get in great naps instead of quick little ones while being held.
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4 Stars
December 24, 2015
Newborn still prefers me. We like the dock a tot but my 4 week old still prefers to sleep on me at night. I'm hoping she starts to like it more because I need sleep!
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5 Stars
December 24, 2015
Love!! My son sleeps so soundly in his dockatot!!!! Best purchase I've made this far!
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1 Star
December 23, 2015
Baby hates it Too small for my 15 lb 5 month old - she barely fits in it and wakes up crying after 30 minutes. Has maybe used 3 times total and was so help whatsoever. Very disappointed. Will be selling or giving away.
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5 Stars
December 23, 2015
Looking forward to shipment Have not received it yet
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5 Stars
December 23, 2015
Our little man is sleeping like a dream!! We were looking for something to transition our almost 3 month old into his crib. His first night with the dock a tot he slept 10 straight hours!! The dock a tot does not disappoint!
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5 Stars
December 3, 2015
Worry free sleeping! I love my daughters DocATot but not for the same reasons of many of the other reviews. I have always been lucky with my little one. She is a very good sleeper and right from the beginning would give me a 4/5 hour stretch at a time. Up until 3 months she was in a bassinet that was right next to me. She decided at that time that she preferred being in the bed with my husband and I and I was up all night trying to get her into her bassinet. I didn't want to co-sleep because I couldn't sleep. I was terrified that I'd smother her, or she'd fall off the bed and so even though she was sleeping I was still up all night. It was about 4 in the morning when I came across an add for the DocATot on a social media site. I really liked the idea of it but was hesitant on the price so I decided to wait. Another couple nights of no sleep went by and I finally caved and ordered it. The first night we had it I slept better than I had since she was born. Fast forward 2 weeks and I feel like a new mom. It was worth every penny and I fully intend on purchasing the grand when she's big enough. We plan on having more children and I will be selling my bassinet and co-sleeping with them as well. It's a wonderful product and I am so thankful I came across it!
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1 Star
November 23, 2015
My 3.5 month old baby hates it. So far my baby will not sleep in it. He kicks and cries. It was pretty expensive for a decorative throw pillow! I'll keep trying but right now it seems like a huge waste of money!
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5 Stars
November 22, 2015
Miracle My son would not nap on his own (only in my arms) and would only sleep 45min-2hrs at night. The first day we had the Dockatot he slept on his own for his naps and slept 5 hours straight in the night. We LOVE the Dockatot!!
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2 Stars
November 18, 2015
Defecto de costura la medidas del forro no son sim?tricas y se ve torcido, me parece que tiene un precio bien elevado como para presentar esos defectos
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5 Stars
November 18, 2015
Love this product! Our baby sleeps snug and soundly every night! We typically put her down around 8:45-9:00pm and she wakes around 3am for a quick feeding and easily goes right back to sleep. She then sleeps until 8-8:30 in the morning! What totally sold this for me though, was we were under a tornado warning the other night and had to move into our safe space. We kept our daughter in her dock and brought her into the closet with us - she slept through the WHOLE thing! - sirens, weather radio and all! She never stirred and we were able to put her back in bed and she woke up for her regular morning feeding. Love this product!
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5 Stars
November 18, 2015
My new mom "couldn't live without" product! I'm a new mom of a 1 month old and have used the dockatot since my son was born. This goes with us EVERYWHERE! He sleeps so peaceful in it and we love that we can move it around the house so he is close to us! We use it for naps, play time and at night. I have already recommended this to all my new momma friends! This is my "couldn't live with out" product for my little man! Thank you so much for refreshed sleep and peace of mind knowing my baby is safe and comfortable!
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3 Stars
November 17, 2015
Not crazy about it My daughter isn't crazy about it, she will only take short naps in it. : (
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5 Stars
November 16, 2015
Review on dock My baby didn't like the dock! I'm starting to believe that the reviews I read online are completely fake! I'm very disappointed in this product!!!
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5 Stars
November 15, 2015
Love, love, love! I love this product! I bed share and this has given me a lot of peace knowing I can sleep safely with my baby!
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5 Stars
November 15, 2015
LOVE IT!! My 3 month old had no trouble transitioning to her crib wih this amazingly comfortable DockATot. She also tolerates tummy time now. thanks DockATot!!!
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5 Stars
November 14, 2015
Great product! My baby sleeps great in it! I love our Dock A Tot! My son sleeps in it all swaddled up & sleeps through the night now!
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5 Stars
November 14, 2015
Finally day naps! My baby is 3 months old. She had never been a good daytime sleeper. She could only sleep in someone's arms and for 30 min at a time. This would result in an overtired baby who was difficult to put to sleep at night. Well after the dockatot entered our lives, my baby has slept 2-3 hour stretches during the day and 8-9 hour stretches at night! This makes for one well rested mama and one happy baby! We love our dockatot! Thank you for this amazing product.
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5 Stars
November 14, 2015
Dock a tot Wonderful.The baby sleeps so much better with it
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5 Stars
November 12, 2015
The best I wish I would have ordered this sooner! Even though my daughter is 3 months I love it! Thank you and I'll be getting a new one for my cousins new baby arriving soon!
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5 Stars
November 11, 2015
Amazing I can't believe it, but my newborn sleeps like a "baby" in it! She looks so peaceful. We use it day and night. A must-have.
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4 Stars
November 10, 2015
3 months baby girl enjoys it for watching tv I wish I could give a perfect 5 stars. The only thing is my daughter does not sleep very long on the dock, although I wish she did. That was the reason I bought it in the first place, hoping that she would go from a good sleeper to a fantastic sleeper on the dock. Hopefully in the near future she will enjoy sleeping in there longer. Other than that, I really enjoy using it for tummy time and letting her lounge in it while we watch tv together. No doubt, the product is great quality. I just wish my little one likes it as much as I do.
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5 Stars
November 10, 2015
Answer to my prayers!! Hallelujah! Answer to my prayers! It's called the The "DockATot" is the best product ever! My baby boy was initially a good sleeper, but once he outgrew his rock'n play sleeper he was a different baby. In his crib, he was waking up every 1-2 hours and he was unable to put himself back to sleep. That meant I had to get up and rock him to sleep. Once he was asleep it was very difficult to lay him down in his crib without him waking up again. So then I started cosleeping with him and it seems to help a little, but not much. He's a cuddler who loves to be held & feel cozy. That's why I think he loved the rock and play sleeper and hated his big crib. I didn't mind cosleeping, but it wasn't a thing I wanted to become a habit for multiple reasons. I was trying everything! You name it, I tried it! I came across this product on Pinterest! It was literally the answer to my prayers! His first night with the DockATot, he slept for 4 hours... I fed him...then he went back down easily for another 5 hours! He's never done that in his crib before! The second night was similar to the first night. And I was a happy momma! Last night, the third night, he slept almost 8 hours straight! In his crib! I couldn't believe it! The DockATot allows him to feel secure and cozy while in his crib. He's now able to put himself to sleep easily when he startles and awakes in the middle of the night! He's now 5 months old and almost sleeps through the night! I highly recommend DockATot for any baby who needs to be held in order to sleep well. It seems to be a bit expensive, but if it helps a baby sleep through the night, it's worth every penny! You can't put a price on sleep! Thank you for bringing this product to the U.S!!!
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5 Stars
November 10, 2015
Love it! My daughter sleeps great in it! I am one happy mom with a happy baby.
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5 Stars
November 10, 2015
Very convenient and helps me sleep better at night!! We love the dockatot deluxe, I bought it before my son was born and started using it immediately for cosleeping. He sleeps very well in it at a week old 2-4 hours at a time! It helps me sleep better knowing he is safe in his dock :)
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1 Star
November 9, 2015
Way smaller then we thought and not comfortable This is just our experience. Our daughter is not even 5 months old yet and this was way too small for her. Her arms don't fit in between and her legs go straight out the bottom. We washed the cover before using it because we always do, and now we can't return it. The cover is so uncomfortable, it feels like corduroy and our baby hates it. I like the concept, but honestly we would have had to order the much larger one WITH a different cover and that is just not good with all of the other expenses of having a baby.
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3 Stars
November 9, 2015
It's ok Good quality. Unfortunately my baby won't sleep in it. Wakes up as soon as I put her in.
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4 Stars
November 9, 2015
Great overall! Great product overall. My little one loves to hang out in it and have me read to her or just chat with her. It hasn't been as great while she is sleeping because she still wakes up often but it is a great product to take with you when visiting family and friends!
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4 Stars
November 9, 2015
Great Buy! Our little one sleeps much better/longer now that we have the dockatot.
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5 Stars
November 9, 2015
Baby hasn't arrived yet Im scheduled to have my baby in the next week. I haven't tried the DockATot yet but I will say I'm impressed by the quality of the Dock and how timely I received it! I look forward to tryin it out in the next week!
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5 Stars
November 9, 2015
Love it! We are in love with our dockatot deluxe! At first I thought it was going to be a miracle and he would sleep through the night but of course it didn't work that way. But we are working up to it. Before, my son would only sleep 1-2 hour stretches (between night feedings). Now he sleeps 3-4 hours! It definitely makes a difference. (He's 4 weeks old). Hopefully as he gets older he will sleep longer and longer stretches :)
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