Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
2983 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
4 Stars
May 9, 2016
Success! My baby would only sleep if someone was holding him. We tried his crib, bassinet and a couple of other small co-sleeping beds with no luck...baby would be crying within minutes, if not immediately. We put him in the Dockatot at 4 weeks old and he sleeps 2-4 hours in it at a time (he is 6 weeks now and wakes up regularly for feedings). My only complaint is that I don't see the Deluxe size lasting near 8 months and it will be expensive to replace (with the Grand size).
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2 Stars
May 6, 2016
To good to be true My daughter will not sleep on it. We have numerous times. Very disappointed!
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5 Stars
May 6, 2016
ICU baby There are not enough stars... Our daughter has very serious congenital heart defects, and had a seven day stay in the ICU about a month ago. She and I have barely slept since that time. Upon returning home, she would only sleep in my arms or her swing (but not even very well in either). Even before the ICU she couldn't get comfortable enough to nap in her crib (maybe three successful crib naps in seven months). We received the dockatot two nights ago, and she woke once overnight and then took three naps in her crib the very next day. We are on night two right now, and we just listened to her put herself back to sleep after a brief wake up. We will bring the dockatot with us to the hospital for her open heart surgery in a couple weeks, and knowing that it makes her more comfortable will take away one stress during the most stressful time in our lives. Our daughter lives life more tired that most babies because of her heart, and this product has the potential to give her a better life. Truly, there are not enough stars...
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5 Stars
May 6, 2016
AMAZING This is the ONE expensive baby purchase I would re-make over, and over, and over again. No, I'm not going to claim that because of my dockatot, my babe has magically slept through the night or anything. BUT, I will say that my baby loves it, and I love how portable it is. I can safely co-sleep with my babe and easily nurse in the middle of the night. It's been a life-saver.
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5 Stars
May 6, 2016
Love it! Can't believe I didn't know about this product from the beginning. Got it two weeks ago and love it. My LO sleep through the night and she just turned 3 months ?????? Thank you
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2 Stars
May 4, 2016
Not as wonderful as we hoped :( sadly our little one doesn't love this as much as it was glorified that he would. I feel that we should have not listened to the section on Dockatot website that says that five month old babies could potentially still use this until 10-12 months. There's no way our baby would fit comfortably in this for even another month- and he's not even a large baby. Still experiencing sleepless nights over here.
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5 Stars
May 2, 2016
Awesome! Best baby purchase I have ever made! Love it! Thank you! -happy mom of two
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2 Stars
May 1, 2016
So far - no go Little one isn't thrilled with this item, and quickly discovered how to get out of it. He's not successfully napped in it to date. We are trying to spend more time lounging/playing in it to get more comfy but it's not his favorite item. He will sleep in his crib begrudgingly, but prefers his swing...the habit we were trying yo break him of via dockatot.
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5 Stars
May 1, 2016
Buy it now. I love this product. My daughter and I now have a safe way to co-sleep. Just love it.
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5 Stars
April 28, 2016
SLEEP The dockatot eased the transition from Rock and Play (incline) to bassinet and then to crib. We have a fairly easy going baby but he likes to snuggle and be held and the dockatot helped provide that sensation in a healthy sleep location. Our 3month old is now sleeping through the night in his crib!
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5 Stars
April 28, 2016
Love it!! We love the DockATot. It is amazing. My son sleeps so soundly in it. I think he sleeps even better the bigger he gets in it too. My older kids call it the cozy nest!
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5 Stars
April 27, 2016
co sleeping /travel excellent for safe co-sleeping and travel. my little one sleeps /naps longer in it.
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2 Stars
April 26, 2016
Okay Looks cozy but doesn't seem to increase his sleep.
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Love It! My 8 week old sleeps so soundly! Worth the money!
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Life saver My baby would not sleep more than an hour in anything unless I held him. Then I got the dockatot and he started sleeping for longer periods at night. I was so happy to find something that my baby liked to sleep in that was safe so I could get some sleep too. The dokatot saved my life! The more he got used to it the longer he slept.
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Best baby purchase we've made! Prior to buying the Dockatot, our baby would sleep 1.5 to 2 hour stretches. We were exhausted. The first night we used the Dockatot, he slept 5 hours straight and he's been doing it consistently since. We love it. We will definitely be buying the grand when he gets bigger!
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
LOVE LOVE LOVE! Absolutely love it! I hate that I waited until my little one was 3 months old to buy it. Now I'm recommending it to anyone and everyone. Expecting mommies, current moms and even non-moms. I'm spreading the word on Instagram and on the baby center forums! Best investment ever!
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Great transition to crib Our little one wasn't sleeping more than 3 hours at night and we were co-sleeping. Now with the Dock-A-Tot he sleeps 6 hours straight and in his own crib and we sleep better as well since we don't worry about him rolling over.
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Eureka! I was hesitant about the hype surrounding the Dock A Tot. I purchased one in a desperate attempt to transition our son from his bassinet to a flat surface. We are using it currently with his portable crib and he loves it! He sleeps so soundly in it and looks like a lazy teenager taking a nap. We haven't started sleeping through the night just yet at 11 weeks, but since using our Dock A Tot, our son only wakes up once per night for about 20 minutes, and then falls right back to sleep. I can honestly say for us, this was worth the large price tag. I'll save it and use it for our next little one also. Only I wish is that the covers for this product weren't so expensive. It seems like a lot of money for a piece of cloth. I tend to find draping a thin swaddle blanket on top of the Dock A Tot works just fine.
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Great little bed Our daughter sleeps perfectly in her DockATot
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
Delightful Just gave it to my daughter and she loved it! Two other Mom's want it now!!!
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5 Stars
April 26, 2016
We are napping!! We would give the DockATot 10 stars if possible!! Our little guy will finally nap during the day which is making a huge difference in his night sleeping as well. He cuddles right in to the DockATot and immediately falls into a deep sleep! One of the best new mommy and daddy purchases we have made so far!
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4 Stars
April 24, 2016
Almost perfect We have been really liking our Dock and I would have given it 5 starts for its ingenuity and on how the product is actually working for us, but I am a bit displeased with how rough the covers are. I would prefer something smoother as the covers matt up my daughters hair quit badly making big knots that I have to work out. We purchased the smaller Deluxe for our daughter who was already 9mo at the time, and I see her using this size for quite a while longer.
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5 Stars
April 24, 2016
A must have! I purchased this after 2 months of my baby not sleeping for more than hour at a time at night. I was hesitant at first because with him being 5 months old at the time, I wasn't so sure it would help. I was to the point after reading reviews and doing my research, I just had to purchase it and give it a try. He now sleeps anywhere from 3-5 hours at a time at night without waking. It's a sleeping miracle! I couldn't live without it now. It's worth every penny!
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1 Star
April 18, 2016
Covers should be water proof I wanted to buy a cover for my dock but realized it's not water proof . I don't care for patterns .
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5 Stars
April 18, 2016
As versatile as you can get The beauty of this product, in my option, is its versatility. I bring it with me for visits to see Grandma & Grandpa, I bring it to daycare, downstairs, upstairs, really anywhere the baby needs to sleep, relax or play (tummy time!). Also, with the cover being washable, I just throw it in and leave it outside to air dry on these nice Spring/Summer days. My brother is having a baby in September and I'm giving him one of my Deluxe dock-a-tot's (I have 2--one stays at daycare) so I can order the Grand to make transitioning from the bassinet to his crib, and eventually his own bed, much simpler. I can't recommend this product enough.
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5 Stars
April 18, 2016
Fantastic My new born is loving the dock a tot! He went from not wanting to sleep in his basinet to sleeping 3-5 hours at a time. Totally worth the money.
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5 Stars
April 17, 2016
ESSENTIAL!!! This was a crazy game changer for our baby's sleep schedule. The last FOUR NIGHTS he slept through the night (knock on wood!). Don't wait to buy it- I'd give anything to have had this when he was a newborn and we were crazy sleep deprived.
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5 Stars
April 15, 2016
should have got it sooner my baby girl has never slept well. and still wakes up at least 1-2 times a night for a bottle and she's a lil over 2! we've been using the dockatot for about a week and she's only woken up in the middle of the night once! ONCE all week people! it's pretty amazing! I was hesitant at first because of the price and because she's over 2 so I was scared it would last too long or not work but I'm glad I went for it! thank you dockatot people! THANK YOU!!! now I just need her out of our room haha
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5 Stars
April 14, 2016
Love it! Buy today! I was worried because of the price but from the first night, my two month old is sleeping through the night! Through the night! 8-10 hours!!! Buy it now. Get some sleep!
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4 Stars
April 11, 2016
Nap Time Champ! Connor is enjoying napping in his Dockatot, but only 2 hours max. He has yet to be able to sleep through the night in it so we are using a rock-n-play for 4 hour stretches at night. Hopefully we can get him sleeping through the night in his Dockatot soon!
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5 Stars
April 6, 2016
Love it! The overall quality is perfect and cannot wait to for baby to arrive to have her enjoy it :)
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5 Stars
April 6, 2016
Happy Baby - Happy Mommy! We love the DockATot! Will be recommending it to all our soon-to-be mommy friends!
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5 Stars
April 6, 2016
Helps my 3 month old sleep! Helped baby feel more comfortable when sleeping which I think allowed her to sleep longer. Love the calm color of the dream weaver print. Would recommend to all parents who have babies who have trouble sleeping. Worth every penny for extra sleep for mama and baby!
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1 Star
March 31, 2016
My baby isn't sleeping in it at all :( not sure why I bought the docatot and from day 1 my baby only has slept 1 hour on it. I'm still going to try and see if she will get used to it
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1 Star
March 31, 2016
Disappointed doesn't even explain it Purchased because of all the positive celb feedback. At this point it's been useless and unusable. My baby girl hates it and screams when in it. I've tried it every possible way and she won't be clam in it. Expensive useless item.
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5 Stars
March 31, 2016
Love it! It's beautiful and looks like it will work well. I haven't used it yet because my baby will be born June 1.
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5 Stars
March 31, 2016
We love it! We love our Dock a tot! Our 3 month old would only sleep when we were holding her. The first night we laid her in her dock, she slept 5.5 hours! She loves being in her dock, and we are all happier!
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5 Stars
March 29, 2016
Love it Would recommend this product to anyone ! My son loves it(:
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5 Stars
March 28, 2016
Amazing product! Truly is a dream weaver. My 3 month old wasn't sleeping great and I was headed back to work. Ordered the dock a tot out of pure desperation. First night in the dock a tot we got a 5 hour stretch. My baby was still waking every 2 hours to nurse...5 hours and I felt like a new person. My husband thought it was a fluke but we have consistently gotten 4.5-6 hour stretches and have had ours for almost a month. You can't put a price on a good night sleep. Totally worth it.
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5 Stars
March 28, 2016
Great product! My 2 1/2 month old finally sleeps in his crib! I just ordered my best friend one.
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5 Stars
March 28, 2016
New Born So far my 3 day old is not likening anything but his momma arms so I can not give an accurate review on how he is is doing with DockATot. But my toddler loves it lol even we bought this for the NB
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1 Star
March 27, 2016
Didn't work This product did not work at all for my LO. Worst nights of sleep when using this
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5 Stars
March 27, 2016
A Mama MUST HAVE!!!! Jack has slept so well in it and he's just 7 weeks old. He loves to just lay in it too, I'm telling all my pregnant friends about it. Money well spent!!!
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5 Stars
March 26, 2016
Best baby bed ever! I stumbled across Dock A Tot on Instagram, my niece had just had her first baby. As a newborn, the baby wouldn't sleep in a bassinet or a crib. They resorted to letting her sleep in her car seat, it was the only thing that kept her feeling secure and "held" while she slept. I bought them a Dock A Tot and it worked! Baby girl sleeps in her Dock A Tot and she LOVES it!
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5 Stars
March 26, 2016
Should have ordered sooner This thing is a lifesaver, our little man had not slept more than 3 hours at night before we ordered our dock a tot. The first night he slept 4 hours and I had to wake him to eat. The next night he slept 5.5. We use this for naps too. I'll rock him a bit then lay him in his dock a tot. He'll toss his head a bit then he's out. This is worth every penny. We'll order a grand when he's older.
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5 Stars
March 22, 2016
5 STARS ALL THE WAY!!! Best Product we have purchased for our Newborn to date! I am SUPER happy with my purchase of the DockaTot Deluxe for my newborn baby girl. She sleeps like a princess in it night and day and I feel so relaxed and at ease knowing she is in it, because it's so safe and durable. I love it so much that I am ordering another one today so that we do not have to keep carrying the one we just bought up and down the stairs, and can have one for living room and bedroom. I highly recommend this for all new moms and newborns!!
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5 Stars
March 18, 2016
We love our doc a tot!!!! We have a two-week only baby and we've loved the doc a tot since we first brought her home from the hospital. We got the halo bassinet which is also amazing, but the dock a tot inside the halo bassinet is truly the perfect match. We're traveling next month and also plan to bring the dock a tot with us for her to sleep in -- much much easier than a pack and play. Would highly recommend!
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5 Stars
March 18, 2016
ahhhhmazing so thankful that i bought this!!! my son loves it. as soon as we got it he slept for 6 straight hours! I love that I can travel with it and bring it downstairs for naps. seriously a lifesaver!
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4 Stars
March 16, 2016
Good Product After reading all the reviews, I couldn't get this product fast enough. My baby is 3 months old and is not a good sleeper. Some nights were are up every 2 hours. Unfortunately, while I thought it was very well made and was impressed by how breathable the material is, it did not do much for us. I think it might have helped a little in the crib, but where it has been most helpful, surprisingly, is for cosleeping. This was not a plan of ours, but you you do what you can to survive some nights. The sides are firm and high enough that baby is pretty well protected and I sleep more soundly with that knowledge. I'm disappointed that it didn't instantly give me a good nights sleep, but I can't blame the product for that!
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