Ratings Summary
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2983 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
5 Stars
March 5, 2017
We believe in co-sleeping and as we started to transition our 3 month old into the crib, quickly decided this wasn't our best option. Now she is 5 months old and loves sleeping 10-12 hours a night in the dockAtot. It makes her feel secure and comforted during the night. As parents, we love that it can easily be moved, cleans up well, and our daughter sleeps so soundly in it. It is safe, breathable, and worth every penny. We will be purchasing the Grand when she out grows this one. Thank you for an amazing sleep bed for our tiny human.
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5 Stars
March 4, 2017
My son absolutely loves his Dock! (So do his parents!) He is so comfortable in it and it helps him sleep so much better! He loves feeling close and cuddled in it. I can't wait to buy the next one up for him when he's bigger! What a game changer!
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5 Stars
March 4, 2017
So thankful for our dockatot! It let us get some much needed rest in the early months. Covers are very easy to remove, wash, and replace too!
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5 Stars
March 4, 2017
We are so happy we got it. My baby wouldn't touch his bassinet before the dock a tot. He now goes down on his own, still have to work on some sleep training but we believe with time and love hi will become a great sleeper. Thanks dock a tot.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
Although I was sceptical about the Dockatot, it has been one of the best purchases for our baby! She has slept in it from day 1 (and is a great sleeper) and it proved invaluable whilst traveling. Highly recommend it!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
The little man isn't here yet. April 14th is the due date. It will be my first grandchild.
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4 Stars
March 3, 2017
I like the portability of the dock and it's incredibly useful. However, the end clip that holds the sides closed and the infinant inside, are too loose, they don't stay connected firmly enough. They seperate and allow the side arms to become undone far to easy. Also, it seems that the dock becomes unlevel. We have not washed it, but the head portion of the dock becomes lower,causing the infants head to become lower than the body. We place folded blankets under to keep the head end slightly inclined or even.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
Our daughter went from waking every 1.5 hrs at night to now only waking once! The dockatot has quite literally saved my wife's life (she struggles with severe postpartum depression which was made much worse by the lack of sleep). We recommend it to everyone we know!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
I highly recommend the DockATot. It has allowed my 5 month old to feel cozy and safe during the night. Her sleeping has improved with the DockATot from waking up 3 times a night to now occasionally sleeping through the night to getting up 1-2 times.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
Our baby girl loves her DockATot! Not only does she sleep 9+ hours in it, she loves hanging out in it too. Best purchase ever!!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
Absolutely love my DockATot! When we first brought our son home from the hospital it made me nervous to have him sleep in his bassinet because he had the tendency to roll over. Placing the DockATot in the bassinet not only put my mind at ease but allowed him to sleep for longer periods of time! Highly recommend this product!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
I bought the dock a tot for my daughter. She loves it!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
Ailee would always toss and turn in her bassinet as soon as we would put her down to sleep - waking herself back up. Once we got this - i think the sides make her feel more secure. We placed it in her bassinet and will eventually transition it to the crib as well ....but now, she sleeps through the entire night!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
AMAZING!!! My 4 month old would only sleep on my chest at night! The first night I got my DockATot he slept for 8 hours straight and continues to sleep all night! He loves it and so does mommy!!
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5 Stars
March 3, 2017
This is hands down the best baby product ever!!!! I am a first time momma and I wanted baby close and safe so we looked up some products and this was the best ever !!!! Only wish that we had from the very start !!!! Bought at 3 months , washes up great I can not say enough good about these we will be buying the larger one when needed !!' Thanks Doc A Tot
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4 Stars
March 2, 2017
Comfy spot for our baby to sleep, it's nice to have flexibility when chasing around 2 other toddlers.
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5 Stars
February 24, 2017
The DockATot has been a huge help to me and my husband. It's the only thing that my one month old will lay on and doesn't start crying. It gives me time to do things while he naps or just hangs out in it. The DockATot is magical!!
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5 Stars
February 24, 2017
Love the Dockatot! My little one feels so snug and secure when I put her down.
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5 Stars
February 22, 2017
The Dock a Tot is a life saver! It made me feel so much better to have my baby close to me in the first weeks we had her. We started with it in our bed, and then moved it to our pack and play next to the bed. She absolutely loves it!
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5 Stars
February 22, 2017
My little 2 month old Bridget started having a hard time sleeping about a month ago. This past week she was waking up 4-5x a night. Exhausting! I had seen dockatot and was skeptical. But after talking to a friend who had one, and one too many bad nights sleep, I bought one. Oh my goodness! The first night she slept 8 hours with only waking up for one quick feeding. Then went right back to bed; no fussing or anything. The second night she slept 8 hours straight! When I got her out of it in the morning she was smiling. It made me so happy that we were both getting a good nights sleep. I only wish I bought it sooner. I'm in love! Thank you dockatot!
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5 Stars
February 22, 2017
My daughter is 3 months old & we just got our dock a couple weeks ago & it has been so great! She sleeps great in it! Thank you!
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5 Stars
February 22, 2017
Not going to lie at first I was skeptical of this inflatable raft looking baby bed. My friend had mentioned it to me and I was talking her way out of getting it, until then I've never heard of the Dockatot. And oh how things have changed. Our baby was beginning to sleep through the night and it was glorious. Then at about 3.5 months it all went downhill. First, no more sleeping through the night, she was teething bad. Second, she no longer liked taking naps. It amazed me how she'd be in a deep sleep in my arms but the second I'd put her down its as if she was never asleep! We tried everything and nothing worked. Then my fiancƩ mentioned that we should get the Dockatot to see if it'd help. I thought it was funny how he knew about this bed and I didn't. Anywho, we ordered our Dockatot and let me tell you it has been a life changer!! I'm mad we didn't get it sooner. Our baby is 7 months now and takes 2 naps a day and they keep getting progressively longer and she stays asleep the second I lay her down. She isn't sleeping through the night quite yet but she does sleep for longer periods of time. It took about 2 weeks for her to adjust to the bed and she went from waking up every 2 hours to now every 4 or 5 hours! So it just keeps getting better and better. We're definitely buying the Grand once she grows out of the Deluxe. Oh and we've also traveled twice with it and it didnt affect our babies sleep schedule! Thank you Dockatot for making this amazing product that has given me back some "me time", a peace of mind for co-sleeping and most importantly my sleep!
This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
5 Stars
February 19, 2017
Love my DockAtot!! My baby feels save and comfortable and I can relax more during the day and night knowing that she is safe.
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5 Stars
February 16, 2017
In love! My baby sleeps soundly in her bassinet with the DockATot. She loves feeling secure, snuggled, and safe. We also put it in bed with us if she cannot settle. It makes us feel that she will not roll and we will not roll onto her. Best purchase since baby was born!
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5 Stars
February 14, 2017
My great niece loves the Dockatot. She was docked in it for the first time when she came home from the NICU and loved it immediately. She naps in this all day and sleeps in it all night! Worth every penny
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5 Stars
February 14, 2017
The dockatot is an absolute lifesaver!! I was hesitatant to get it in the beginning because it seemed a little pricey, but after my son was born and I had 2 months of sleepless nights, my husband and I caved and bought the deluxe dockatot. And I have thanked God every day since! My son absolutely loves it and wakes up so happy every morning (after a solid 7-8 hours of glorious sleep!). I now think the price is VERY reasonable, and I would suggest any and all new moms to get this ASAP! Hands down, best baby product in the world.
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5 Stars
February 14, 2017
Very practical. It's a bit expensive considering it's a big cushion, but knowing that it was tested and built with safety in mind brings peace to our mind. Our DockATot follows our baby all around the house including in the bathroom when comes the time to take a shower. Thanks for the great product!
This product review was collected by the manufacturer.
5 Stars
February 13, 2017
My son sleeps so well in his Dock-A-Tot! It has brought us amazing night sleeps!! Thank you.
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5 Stars
February 13, 2017
My 2 month old daughter went from waking up every 2-3 hours at night to waking up every 5-8 hours. So, instead of being up 3-4 times a night, we're up only once! It is perfect for her crib and fits in the bassinet in our room. We love dock-a-tot!
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5 Stars
February 13, 2017
Was skeptical to purchase because of the price but decided to purchase one sleepless night at 2 a.m. and it's worth every penny. Our son (now 4 months) only wanted to sleep at night in our arm and when we would get him to stay asleep in his pack and play he would only sleep on his back for an hour maybe two if we were lucky. He now sleeps four hour stretches in the DockATot, sometimes five, and we are hoping the times continue to increase as he gets older.
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5 Stars
February 12, 2017
Our newborn didn't want to sleep anywhere but our arms so we tried the DockATot and she loves it. We are happy with our purchase!!!
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5 Stars
February 12, 2017
Feeling more secure using dockAtot with my little one ????????
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3 Stars
February 12, 2017
Got this to try for co-sleeping. It's very nicely made but too large for the three of us to comfortably sleep in our queen sized bed.
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5 Stars
February 10, 2017
Money well spent. My grandson is a preemie baby, with several health issues. This is the first time that he actually slept through the whole night.
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1 Star
February 10, 2017
Got this with hopes our baby would be able to sleep better. Hasn't worked so far and he's 6weeks old. We'll keep trying it and hope it works soon so we get our money's worth. Only gave one star because my son hates it.
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5 Stars
February 9, 2017
Have been using our new dockatot for a couple of weeks and love it so far! I feel much more confident co-sleeping with my 6 week old because the sides are tall enough to prevent me or my husband from rolling over on him. I'm looking forward to traveling this summer and not having to worry about where my baby will sleep or having to lug around a bulky sleeper!
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5 Stars
February 9, 2017
We love this! It's convenient to be able to move it around from place to place and we can bed-share! Baby Dolores seems to really enjoy it. She hangs out in it all the time and sleeps in it while swaddled. When it arrived we washed the cover per instruction, and it was super easy to put back together. Although the part where her head goes feels a little elevated and doesn't quite touch the inside cushion... not sure what to do about that. Overall would highly recommend this!
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5 Stars
February 8, 2017
Our colicky little girl settles when she is in her DockATot! My only wish is for a softer, flannel-like cover because the covers are cool to the touch. Otherwise, I would purchase again!
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5 Stars
February 8, 2017
Absolutely love the Dockatot! My mom bought one for us as a surprise and I was ecstatic when it arrived. I'm going back to work and I needed help in the sleep department. Having my daughter close to me helps us both sleep better at night. I highly recommend the Dockatot to all parents of little ones out there.
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5 Stars
February 8, 2017
I bought the Dock-A-Tot because I was nervous about our baby girl sleeping all by herself. She likes to travel when she sleeps and always got stuck in a corner. Needless to say, it made me a nervous wreck. Since we got the dock, she sleeps soundly and is hardly ever restless! I can also bring her into the bed and not have to worry about her moving around. It's worked wonders for my peace of mind, and we're all getting more sleep now!
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5 Stars
February 8, 2017
I seriously don't know what I'd do with out the DockATot, I don't even know how I survived without it with my first! My 2 1/2 week old naps in it all throughout the day and at night it helps my husband and I feel that he is safe in our bed. LOVE. Would suggest every new mom to invest in the DockATot. :)
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5 Stars
February 7, 2017
Our little loves her dockAtot! I was VERY hesitant to purchase this product, but after 2 recommendations from friends, I decided to give it a try. Our 6 week old went from sleeping around 3-4 hours to now sleeping 5-6 hours straight. She is able to co-sleep comfortably and I believe she feels safer in our bed. We will be forever grateful to our dockAtot for giving us some sleep!!
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5 Stars
February 5, 2017
We just love the Dock a tot! I'm pretty sure my 2 weeks baby feels more secure when she sleeps in it compare to the crib. And it make the co sleeping possible. Thanks!!!
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5 Stars
February 5, 2017
As a first time mom, I feel much more comfortable having our little guy in the bed with me, but I wanted it to be safe for him. The dockatot makes it so that I can be close enough to soothe him and nurse him easily in the middle of the night without having to get up. The firm sides make him feel secure and help him sleep easier. Love it!
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5 Stars
February 4, 2017
Great quality and arrived quickly. I can't wait to use it when my daughter arrives!
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5 Stars
February 3, 2017
Love our Dock. Purchased later (at 6 weeks) but once we had it our little one was sleeping 10 hours a night. Seriously. Shes now 15 weeks and has sleep 10-12 hour stretches since getting her Dock. I wish we had it sooner. Absolutely recommend! Worth the investment.
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4 Stars
February 2, 2017
To start, the packaging was wonderful. Very secure and well done. The pattern I bought (mint trellis) is so nice and even cuter in person. The produce arrived in perfect shape and was ready to use. My daughter was only 5 weeks at arrival and very petite. I was surprised that the Dock still held her snug. While I know this is it's intent, her arms are forced forward by the side bumpers. I'm hoping with time and her weight the bumpers will go into a more relaxed position. That being said, my daughter has slept well in it since the first night. I haven't had any increase in sleep times with it, but I wasn't expecting it with her being so young.
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5 Stars
February 2, 2017
Love, love, love my DockATot! I purchased it because my little girl wouldn't sleep unless I was holding her. Since receiving my Dock, she's been sleeping in it through the night! And, she's only 2 months old! We also took it on the plane for our tropical holiday in CuraƧao and it's been a life saver at the beach and by the pool (in the shade, of course!).
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4 Stars
February 1, 2017
I have a now 2 month old and she sleeps in her DockAtot for a few minutes then she wakes up, so I swaddle her and this does work sometimes, however my lo likes body heat so she likes to be held, I have to lay in her DockAtot with her and then get off once she gets in a good sleep so she won't wake up. I will nurse her while in her DockAtot or nurse her before then simply rock her for a few then lay her down and this will help her sleep longer, but I like it, I wont change it for nothing and I told my cousin who is expected she needs to invest in this, but i feel safer with it in our home. I change her in it, it's easy to travel with too. So I definitely like it a lot.
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4 Stars
February 1, 2017
I've been using the Dockatot with my son since he was born (for 6 months) and love it...but the photo of this style is very misleading. The photo is lightened to show a very light gray, but in person, the chevron is much darker. I definitely would have gone with another style if the image more accurately illustrated the product.
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