Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
228 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
Bronx, Ny
good idea
October 7, 2008
My son was about five months when I first put him in there. I thought he wouldn't reach the floor but with the adjustable straps he did. He loved it from that day on. It was durable and strong enough I loved it because it has alot of colors and my son loved it. The only thing that wasn't to good. Was the bottom of it it was to wide to move around. So I couldn't move from room to room unless I closed it. But other then that it was great.
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Phoenix, AZ
Best thing for twins!
October 7, 2008
We recieved this for gift last christmas, and was sad not to recieve two of them. I had another jumperoo as well, but my boys and I loved this one more because of the fact that Fisherprices jumperoo spinned 360 degrees. Plus all the toys that it has on it allowed for some good playing and exercise time without me having to be constantly overhead. I loved this, and would say that it was the best present we ever recieved.
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Lomita, CA
This was my lifesaver
October 7, 2008
I love this product. My daughter is so full of energy and she is always ready to go. This product allowed me time to get household chores done and gave her an outlet for all her energy. She loves to hear the music and as she jumps, jumps, jumps. The bright colors really catch her attention. Her goal seems to be to jump higher and higher so she can reach the two birds that hang from above. Overall, I don't have anything negative to say... this product is excellent!!
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Kansas City, MO
Daughter Loves to Jump
October 7, 2008
My 11 month old has had her jumpers since she was 5 months old. She loves to jump and jump playing with all the toys at the same time. She "dances" to the music all the time. The seat removes easily for washing. The only thing I would critique is it doesn't "fold" very small. It is awkward to move from room to room with smaller doorways. I would recommend for any Mother.
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Sioux Falls, SD
October 7, 2008
This is a great product, my son absolutely loves it. His favorite toy on it is the dragonfly. My only problem with it is I wish the weight and height limit was a bit higher as I have a child who is on the higher scales of the growth chart and by 8 mo old will almost be grown out of it. The older version of the model allowed for 4 height stages where this one has only 3 stages. Overall though...I love it and so does my son...he will be sad when Mommy has to take it away b/c he is too big.
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Halifax, NS Canada
Worth Every Penny
October 7, 2008
This is my daughter's favourite toy! It's easy to put together, easy to clean and endlessly entertaining for her and I! She can and will spend up to an hour in it (small miracle!). She loves to jump in it, she even loves to just sit in it. Watching her discover the various toys and how to use them was great. I also enjoy that the toys don't seem to block her view of anything. It will be a sad thing when she grows out of it.
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schertz, tx
October 7, 2008
This jumparoo was the best gift anyone could have bought for us. My son loved this thing till he could no longer play in it. He was able to turn in circles. He had toys galore to play with. Still to this day he loves to bounce.
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Clover, SC
Don't know how we would live without it!
October 7, 2008
My child LOVED her jumparoo....at first she was not too impressed, but it grew on her. It was even an "approved" activity center from her cranial specialist. She had to wear a cranial band and unlike a bouncy seat or swing where her neck muscles are not really being used to hold her head up, the jumperoo allowed her to strengthen her leg and neck muscles while she played. It's also great for her learning to crawl and walk because she is using mucsles she would never be able to use in a regular walker. She could stay in it for hours if I would have let her. I wish it was a little easier to travel with, but we managed. She has outgrown it now : ( and it's put away, but it's a wonderful product!!
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Greatest Ever
October 7, 2008
We got this for a baby shower gift. I was very excited about it. Once my son was old enough to get in it he loved it. He gets mad when you take him out of it to eat. He loves to jump and he has all but chewed the eyes off the bug that hooks to it.
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BUY IT! You won't regret it
October 7, 2008
This was by far the best item we had bought for our granddaughter when she was younger-great for the 1-2 1/2 year range-she LOVED this jumperoo, we still laugh and talk about it and I have recommend this to every new mom out there-sure the "swing is ok" but this is secure, sturdy, they are seated well, allows for exercise,learning to stand and balance and they entertain themselves in a safe and fun enviorment-what more can you want, just beware baby may bounce themselves silly!
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Marietta, GA
really enjoys it
October 7, 2008
We started using this with my son when he was four months old. He just turned one year and still uses it. At this age, he often fusses when I put him in because then he can't crawl around the kitchen, but he gets distracted by all the toys and jumping. I do think the volume could be lower, even on the low setting. The on/off switch is in baby's reach, so he can turn it on or to the highest volume. After a while, the monkey babbling can get annoying. Overall, a great purchase.
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Fort Worth, Texas
October 7, 2008
This is the best product you can buy. My son would jump/bounce himself to sleep. He could spend forever in his Jumperoo, if we would let him. This is must have.
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Great Jumper
October 7, 2008
We started using this jumper for my daughter when she was around 5 or 6 months. She loved it. She would jump for a long time and just laugh while she was doing it. She loved trying to pull on the birds overhead and jumping to make the sounds and music play. She finally stopped liking it when she learned to crawl. I would put her in it when her and I were the only ones home and it would entertain her for at least 45 mins so I could get some things done around the house. Great product.
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Puerto Rico
October 7, 2008
I bought this toy when my baby was six months old, he is now ten months old and still loves lt. My nephew has one and he loves it too. The colors are great the music keeps him jumping up and down. I recommend this toy to anybody.
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Cottonwood, CA
Life Saver
October 7, 2008
I bought this for my daughter when she was 4 months old, she could not touch the floor yet so I put a folded blanket under her feet and she has not stopped jumping yet (she is 9 months now)! I can fold this up and put it in the back of the van when we go out so she has entertainment to keep her busy! This was a great purchase!
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Jersey Shore
A must have!
October 7, 2008
We got this for our daughter when she was about 5mo. old. We lived in a very small apartment so we were trying to find something that would work in the space we had. Not only did this toy offer a variety of toys for my daughter to play with, it was able to "fold" and be stored out of the way when not in use. Also, both my husband and I can't stand those high pitched electronic sounds manufactures call "music". The music on this toy was musical sounding. It had different volume levels, and it was actually pleasing to the ear. My daughter loved every part. She would play with one side, then another. She was so proud when she finally realized she could spin herself in the seat. That itself become another "toy"! She used this product until she was too tall for it. She's 18mo. now and I think if we let her she'd still be playing in it! After the amount of times we have folded and taken apart this product it is still in as sturdy of a condition as when we bought it. This is a must have baby item! (And the price was just right too!)
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Great for an active baby!!
October 7, 2008
My daughter has been using this jumperoo since she was four months old! She loves it. All she wants to do is jump all day long, and the jumperoo gives my tired arms a rest for a little while. We love it!
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Edmond, Ok
I Love My Jumperoo
October 7, 2008
This toy is truely a life saver for me. My son who is now 9 months and been using it since 4 months, absolutely loves to be in it!!! It keeps him occupied when i need the time to clean or do laundry or just things around the house. I dont know what i would do without it!! The fabric for the chair is easy to clean just throw in the wash. The only down side is that the seat is a little hard to unlatch from the plastic. Other than that its a life saver!!!
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Milton, DE
This the best high chair ...
October 7, 2008
This the best high chair I have ever gotten. When I got this one I got rid of my old one!! It is the best
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Uxbridge, MA
Awesome Toy
October 7, 2008
My son has used it since he was 4 months old and he is 7 months and uses it everyday. It gives me a few minutes to get something done. He loves all the toys and bright colors. The music really gets him bouncing!
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Holt, MI
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
October 7, 2008
This was a LIFESAVER! It entertained my daughter, taught her how to use her legs, and gave me a few minutes of time to myself! She loved being in her jumperoo so much, sometimes she would actually fuss when I took her OUT of it! :)
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Portland OR
Best Purchase to date
October 7, 2008
My daughter LOVES this Jumper. She would sit in it for hours if I let her. She screams with delight everytime she jumps. Great quality, many activities, and 3 adjustable heights. I wish it had a way to change the music! I know it by heart!!
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Herriman , Ut
October 7, 2008
This is a very fun item for baby. Our baby used this item for about 8 months. Entertaining when you need baby in a safe place off the ground. We used this with are 3rd child, we could not leave him on the ground much for fear of siblings picking him up or stepping on him. Our baby was in this for hours and loved it.
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Indianapolis, IN
Very Entertaining!
October 7, 2008
Very enjoyable for baby. Even though its recommended for infants 6+ months, my 4 month old enjoyed jumping around in this. It gave me a couple of minutes to do some quick cleaning, cooking and a chance to rest my arms!!!! I wish Fisher-Price had some interchangeable toys; my little boy gets bored easily.
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Dearorn, MI
My daughter loved this toy
October 7, 2008
My daughter loved it she would jump for hours. It grows with her so she was able to use it from 4 months to a little over a year.
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Granddaughter Loves It!
October 7, 2008
I bought this for my granddaughter when she turned 5 months (she's now 8 mos.) & it's one of the best baby items we have purchased so far. She is delighted with all the toys on the tray and the music that it plays. I love watching her jump & hearing her squeals of laughter while she plays in it!!! Two Thumbs Up!!
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Twinsburg, OH
A Great Investment
October 7, 2008
Our daughter LOVED this! It kept her entertained longer than any other toy she had! I loved that the fabric seat easily comes off and is machine washable! Now that's something to give a thumbs up too!
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Smithfield NC
Love it
October 7, 2008
This was the best thing that my baby could have right now.. She loves playing in it and hearing all of the music. The price is high but well worth it.. My baby is 4 mnths old
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October 7, 2008
My daughter just LOVES this! She goes abosolutely crazy in this thing! She's 8 months old and when she sees it she gets all excited. She seems to have so much fun. I wish they made these for adults! She plays with all of the toys on it, turns herself around from toy to toy. She jumps really hard and fast. The jumperoo is able to take the abuse. It's a little nosey though when she jumps so hard but that's ok. It is totally worth the money! I'm very, very glad I bought this. I like this better than one of those jump ups that hang from a doorway or beam. I can take this one from room to room or outside. I don't worry that it's going to fall or break. It's got plenty of toys to keep her entertained. I say "BUY IT!"
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Great toy, needs better toys
October 7, 2008
We decided to get this toy with our third baby. I am glad we did. I wish it would have been around with our first. It is a great bouncing toy. The seat is deep enough to support and wide enough to fit a good sized baby. My baby was able to bounce pretty high and this toy always gave her a big smile. It is a little pricey though. We ended up finding it half off so it was worth it to us. Our baby loved the toy frog and parrot that hang down the most. I wish the toys on the actual base where better and designed for the baby and not so much for the parents to see how cute the toy is. I would love to see a mirror, a turning clicky toy, or at least more interactive toys. The sounds work great when the baby bounces even just a little and I love that you can turn the sound off completely. Not to bad to take apart and take on the go. This is a great toy to take with you to a friends house. Our baby felt more independent and loved it.
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Absolute Neccessity!
October 6, 2008
Get this. You NEED THIS! Your baby will LOVE IT!
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October 6, 2008
I got this for my daughter and started using it when she was about 3.5 months old. She loved it after she got used to it. She played with all the toys and with a few pillows underneath her, she was able to spin to see them all. It is easy to put together and the seat part is easy to get apart for washing. The downside was after she was able to crawl(at 6 months) she didn't want in it at all. Definitely a good buy though!
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Raleigh, NC
My son LOVES this
October 6, 2008
My mom bought this for my son when he was 7 months old. He loved this. He played in it all the time. I knew I could put him in this and he would be happy for 20-30 minutes which is great for a little guy. This is one of the best gifts my son ever received. It is durable and easy to put together. I would recommend this to anyone.
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Absolutely adorable!
October 6, 2008
My jumperoo was a life saver with my son. He would exhaust himself right before bed and it was great! My daughter unfortunately had other ideas. But we received this as a gift from my sister and it was just darling. It has several toys and cute animal sounds and music to encourage jumping!
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Chicago, IL
A bouncing fool!
October 6, 2008
Our son loved this from the moment he stuck his feet in! He loves to bounce, and the music that accompanied his bouncing made it that much better for him. The Jumperoo lights up and he has not tired of the toys after a couple months bouncing away. The seat pad comes out easily to wash if you have frequent spit ups like we do. Be prepared for the size though. It is rather large, but I feel worth it!
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Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
Great when baby is bored/needs more entertainment
October 6, 2008
She absolutely loves this so much!! She squeals and jumps like crazy whenever she's in it. The only thing I dislike is a manufacturer issue. I have a larger baby, 21 lbs. now at 6 mos. and the weight limit says 24 lbs. I wish they would make this with an extended weight limit closer to 30 lbs. at least. She only started using it at 4 1/2 mos.
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Disney, Ok
Quickly abandoned but worth the money
October 6, 2008
I bought for my daughter when she was 5 months old hoping she would get some use of it before hitting the weight limit. She used it from 5 months to 6 months then refused to have anything to do it. But the month she used it was a joy to see her bounce, spin and giggle over the toy. I got a very good deal on it online and less than the stores wanted so I felt I got a good deal even though it was quickly abandoned. I was able to resell the toy when she outgrew it and bought another fisher price toy.
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Casselberry, FL
Best money ever spent!
October 6, 2008
My son loves this jumper. I bought it when he was 5 months old and he started jumping from day one. It is not only helpful to me in entertaining him if I have to get some chores done but he absolutely loves it!
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Very good
October 6, 2008
I really am impressed with this, I bought this for my niece and she loved it, now my own son is using it and I still love it, he plays and plays for hours.
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Pittsburgh, PA
Wonderful toy
October 6, 2008
We purchased this for our son when he was about 4 months old. He loved his jumparoo from day one! He also loved the toys attached to it. It was very easy to put together and keep clean. It also grows well with baby. Our son used it until he was about 9 months old when he learned to crawl. We will definitely be keeping it for our next baby!
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A little disapointed
October 6, 2008
I thought it would be better than it is. The little leaves are droopy and hit the baby in the face when she jumps. My oldest daughter had an exersaucer and it was way more entertaining than this jumpy thing.
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Pittsburgh, Pa
My favorite toy!
October 6, 2008
My daughter apsolutely loved this when she was younger. In the function category, I loved the height adjustable legs, because she did grow so fast. I really liked all the different activities on it and that the seat rotated in the jumper, so she could look around her. It was very easy to pop the cloth seat out to wash and put back in and it was also super easy to put together. On an activity level, my daughter played with the hanging toys alot, I noticed her hand-eye coordination got alot better by playing with all the toys and to watch her discover different sounds and tastes, by chewing on some of the toys just touched my heart. I am going to use this for future children and I have recommended it to many of my friends that are pregnant.
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October 6, 2008
I like the jumparoo because my 8in a hafe year old loves it.He jumps in it for hoursI would tell my friends to buy one
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New York, NY
Enjoyed it
October 6, 2008
My son liked to jump a lot, unfortunately we purchased this too late, but for the two months b4 he started crawling he loved it so much he'd fall asleep in it.
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Carney's Point, NJ
The Best
October 6, 2008
Hi, my daughter had this jumper and loved it so much. It was one of the best things we bought for her. And now my couisn's baby has it and she also loves it. It has alot of feature's for the baby's to play with and to see and learn with. It is one the best Jumpers out there.
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Gilbert, AZ
We love it!
October 6, 2008
I bought this when my son was only 2 months, and he still hasnt quite got the hang of bouncing yet at 3 months but he loves to hang out in it and play with all the cool toys!
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Parkside PA
Great Product
October 6, 2008
My son would sit in this jumper for hours upon hours. he absolutely loved it... I was also a big fan b/c it was easy to clean and wasn't too difficult to store either.
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Port Orchard, Wa.
Great buy!
October 6, 2008
I have a VERY spoiled little boy who wants to be held at all times of the day. Once he turned 4 months old we purchased this and started putting him in it. This is the only thing that he enjoys more than being held. We could leave him in it for hours and he has soo much fun, and laughs like crazy! This toy bounces soo well, and works 100 times better than a johnny jump up. I highly recommed this to any mom with an active infant!!
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Eugene, OR
Keeps him entertained and keeps me sane
October 6, 2008
My mom got this for us and I can't believe we ever lived without it. My son loves this jumper! I especially like that he has to actually "do" something in order to make the music play and the lights work. He's entertained for up to 30 minutes in this jumper, which gives me time to fold some laundry or work on dinner. Not to mention, he works out all his energy so he's ready to sleep at night.
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Oklahoma City, OK
Hours of fun
October 6, 2008
My son could sit in this for hours at a time and not care. There is so much for them to do while jumping away. This was one of the best investments we made.
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