Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
2983 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
5 Stars
June 21, 2017
We love our Dockatot! Rafe was born 3 weeks early and we knew we needed something cozier for him while in the hospital then the typical bassinet. This was amazing to have while there, he slept so wonderfully through out the day and night. All the nurses were amazed by the Dockatot and how well our little one slept in it. We definitely will be getting the Grand when he grows out of the deluxe!
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5 Stars
June 20, 2017
Our little man sleeps better, and we feel better about his safety. He is growing so quickly that we have to take it to the next level with the Grand, but it is well worth it.
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5 Stars
June 19, 2017
My newborn is 2 weeks old and this has been the best investment we ever made! He will sleep in it for hours if I let him I have to wake him up to feed! I wish I had got one with my first life would have been so much easier! I recommend this to all my friends that are expecting! I definitely don't regret buying it! I love it!
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4 Stars
June 19, 2017
Good quality, beautiful but it was short. I bought it kinda late i should of bought it since birth. That would work for me.
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5 Stars
June 18, 2017
This is becoming the "go to" shower gift for family and close friends. Once a new parent uses the Dock-a-Tot they realize the beauty of this product.
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San Francisco, California
Verified Buyer
Newer Model!
June 15, 2017
I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is the deluxe plus, which will work with the new toy bars!
4 Stars
June 15, 2017
I thought this purchase was going to be the answer to our sleepless nights, but it wasn't! However, we love that our son can sleep comfortably with us with no need to worry. He does goes to sleep on his own now that we have the dock a tot and nap time is a breeze! I wouldn't mind one my size it's very comfortable yet supportive. Highly reccomend!
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5 Stars
June 14, 2017
I gave the DockATot to my son and daughter-in-law after my granddaughter Mia was born. I actually saw it on Million Dollar Listing, and it looked so comfy! From the very first might Mia slept in her new DockATot she slept over 7 hours! Eight hours the next night! Now if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she does a little stretch, and snuggles back in to a deep sleep! High Praise! Wish we had it from the day she came home from the hospital!
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5 Stars
June 13, 2017
Our girl has been sleeping in her dockAtot since we brought her home. She is a great sleeper. Only wakes up once at night and once early morning. We would recommend it to any family. Worth the money.
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5 Stars
June 12, 2017
I used the DockATot since the day we brought our daughter home. I liked it because it is not sprayed with unnecessary chemicals. We moved our daughter into her crib at three weeks and she slept through the night! I give all the credit to the DockATot. We took our daughter to Italy with us when she was three months old. The DockATot Delux went with and fits perfectly into a standard size suitcase. It gave me peace of mind that she was in a safe place to sleep without wondering the safety or cleanliness of hotel cribs. She had no troubles adjusting to the time change and slept great there and at home. DockATot is a must for traveling with a baby. We have now upgraded to a Grand and she hasn't gone through any sleep regression in her first year! Best money I have ever spent! It definitely keeps mommy and daddy sane that our baby sleeps so well!
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5 Stars
June 12, 2017
My cousin (mom of 4 kids) recommended the Dock-a-tot to me when I talked about how my 6mo boy was struggling to sleep anywhere outside of my arms. Well, the struggle is over! We have had our Dock-a-tot for a few weeks now and it has been a miracle product for us. My baby naps so easily, falls asleep quickly in it, and seems to be very comforted snuggling into it and holding the sides. We already ordered the Grand for when he inevitably grows out of this Deluxe (though we know we'll use it for any future kids) and I've been working on persuading Grandma (who watches him often) that she should have one of her own :)
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3 Stars
June 10, 2017
I was really excited to get the DockATot but my daughter didn't take to it like the other parent's reviews I had read. She is only 5 weeks old so maybe she will like it more when she grows a little. We swaddle as well.
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5 Stars
June 8, 2017
We have had an awesome experience with this product. We don't co-sleep, but do enjoy a good "co-nap", and the Dock-A-Tot is great for helping baby feel snug and warm at naptime.
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Miami, Florida
Verified Buyer
Best purchase
June 7, 2017
I contemplated in purchasing this item ($$) but I'm glad I did. It helped baby sleep 8hrs first night
5 Stars
June 7, 2017
We didn't have a DockATot with my first child and he had such a hard time sleeping the first year of his life. After we had our second he was also having a hard time so we decided to take action and buy a DockATot. Since we've had it he has had such amazing sleep. We love that we can bring it around around our house and with us to our friends and family's. Being able to bring it everywhere makes visiting friends and family stress free since he has his familiar bed with him he goes right to sleep for naps and bed time. DockATot has helped us out tremendously, we only wish we had it with our first child.
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3 Stars
June 7, 2017
I was skeptical of so many amazing reviews, and despite my better judgement, I went ahead and purchased the DockATot thinking it, too, would provide me with a bit more sleep at night. I wanted to be able to give this a 5-star review, but my experience with it has not been like so many others that have touted this as a miracle sleep solution for babies -- alas, it is not. Don't get me wrong, I do like the product, and it is a great solution for co-sleeping, however I found that my infant doesn't sleep any more soundly in the DockATot than she did while swaddled in her bassinet. I gave this about 4 weeks of use in order to give this a fair review of my experience, and quite honestly I just don't think that it is worth the very high price tag for what you get. The other minor downside that I didn't like was the fabric of the bed itself. It's rather rough, almost like a potato sack feel, but a bit softer to the touch. I will still use this until my baby outgrows it, as I do like the product for safer co-sleeping, but the high price tag just wouldn't be enough to justify the cost in the long run. On a side note, their customer service was excellent! I was initially sent the wrong item, to which I emailed them about the mistake, and they responded within 24 hours. They Express shipped me the correct item via UPS free of charge, refunded me $10 for the inconvenience, and had UPS pick up the wrong item for return.
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5 Stars
June 6, 2017
Honestly, I had no idea what I was missing before I discovered the DockATot from a friend! During the day I couldn't put my baby down while he napped or he would wake right up. When I transitioned him into his crib he was fine for a month and then started to move into the corner and would bump his head every night for comfort. The first day I received my DockATot I put him down for a nap and he slept 2 hours! I can't believe I went his first 4 1/2 month without it! Had I known from the start how much he would love and feel comforted by his DockATot it would have been he first baby item I bought! It is 110% worth every penny and I've already bought the grand. Thank you!
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5 Stars
June 6, 2017
I LOVE our dockatot and clearly judging by this photo, so does our 3 month old! He can sleep on his own, all night, with no problem! It looks so comfy cozy, I wish I had one. :) Thanks Dockatot!
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5 Stars
June 5, 2017
We love our DockATot! Our baby has practically lived in it since the day he came home from the hospital. We like that it's super portable, breathable and we feel safe with him being in bed right beside us.
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5 Stars
June 4, 2017
My son co-slept with my husband and I for his first year. We loved it! However, shortly after he turned 1, we found out we were expecting baby #2. I knew I couldn't do 2 kids in our bed. So I read some reviews, and they all seemed too good to be true. I thought it was worth the try-so I ordered it. It just took a few weeks to get him use to being alone but I feel like in no time he was sleeping his usual 10-12 hours a night. All thanks to the dockAtot he is a year and a half old and sleeps soundly in his room at night. I just ordered the deluxe for our baby girl. I can't wait to have the flexibility of the dockAtot to co-sleep and then be able to put her in her crib when the time comes.
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Millersville, MD
Verified Buyer
Great for co-sleeping!
June 3, 2017
I got this for my second after reading all of the reviews. This is something I wish I had the first time around. Perfect for putting baby down, traveling, sleeping. Easy to clean and lightweight. Great gift also!!
  • Lightweight, easy to clean, easy to use
Best Uses
  • Co-Sleeping, Travel
  • Cost
5 Stars
June 3, 2017
I purchased this as a gift, but the feedback I received was all positive. Mom, dad & especially baby, all slept much better. They say they love it!
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5 Stars
June 2, 2017
My little lady is almost 4 months old, still not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time researched & found the DockaTot & it has been a life saver for us! Immediately she slept 5 straight solid hours at night ! Hallelujah for all of us!! She lounges in it & sleeps in it ! We'll worth the $$ THANK YOU DockATot wish I would have bought one earlier! ! :)
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5 Stars
May 31, 2017
Love this product. My daughter falls asleep better in it than she did in the bassinet. Only complaint is the clip at tthe base is weak and doesn't stay together when I transport it around. Any suggestions dockatot?
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Los Angeles, California
Verified Buyer
Works ... most of the time
May 29, 2017
Like a mini pack n play. Easy to transport.
5 Stars
May 29, 2017
Before I got the dockatot I saw it online and read the reviews and said "no my baby will sleep all night in his bassinet". I couldn't have been more wrong! I was lucky if my son slept 3 hours at night. So finally I ordered the dockatot and that night my son slept 9 hours straight. I was waking up to make sure he was ok. I couldn't believe he was sleeping the whole night. He's just about 10 weeks old now and I couldn't be more happier with my purchase. Truly the best thing I ever did for myself and my son. I tell everyone how life changing this was for us. So if your second guessing yourself on buying this, I swear buy it you will not regret it!
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5 Stars
May 27, 2017
Prior to purchasing the dockatot, my son wouldn't sleep by himself. Now I have peace of mind that I won't roll over him while sleeping. He likes to bury his face in the mattress because he likes the feeling of something touching his cheek while sleeping. With the dockatot he can put his cheek on the side without burying it into the bottom. It really helps him sleep!
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5 Stars
May 27, 2017
I purchased this for my son and wife who are expecting their first child this looks to be the most amazing invention we all know the experience of trying to sleep with a baby in our bed selfish of me to purchase this so baby Cayden has a place to sleep at Grandma's house
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5 Stars
May 25, 2017
We are obsessed with our dockatot! One of those got to have baby items!! ??????
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5 Stars
May 25, 2017
We are obsessed with our dockatot! One of those got to have baby items!!
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5 Stars
May 25, 2017
Our son has slept in bed with us FOREVER it feels like. This product made it so easy to transition him into his crib! SO WORTH EVERY PENNY
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4 Stars
May 24, 2017
I really love this product, it's well made, my newborn sleeps like a dream in it, and it's easy to take around when we travel. The problem is this: I went to her 2 month Check up and my Pediatrician asked me where she's sleeping, I told her, and she googled it right on the spot... the verdict: she asked me if I can return it :( I know that putting baby on anything but a mattress with a fitted sheet is a no no.. but I was devastated. I'm going to keep it for supervised naps and for lounging, but bottom line- these are t supposed to be used for night time sleeping :(
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3 Stars
May 24, 2017
So in love with DockATot!! My newborn sleeps all night long. She's definitely in love with it as much as Iam.
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5 Stars
May 23, 2017
We use it all day every day! Must have for newborns.
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5 Stars
May 20, 2017
My 20 month old started waking in the night ??, and all she wanted was to be snuggled ALL night??. That meant she was back in my bed, which means I don't sleep well??. I read all the reviews and decided to give the dock a tot a try. I ordered the grand and deluxe, and the deluxe arrived first. I put her in it the first night and she didn't wake up once! When the grand arrived I put her in that and she did wake once, but it looks like it fits her size better. I may keep using the deluxe with her because I think she loves to be snuggled tight all night!! I love the product, we've gotten way more sleep since the arrived, and she loves her bed. We are traveling in June and she usually has a hard time sleeping when we travel and I feel like this is going to save us!!
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5 Stars
May 19, 2017
Baby is sleeping longer through the night with this and now sleeps in his crib.
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5 Stars
May 18, 2017
We've been using it since we brought him home. He loves being in his doc! This pic is newborn and 2 mos old. Our big boy is a big fan!
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5 Stars
May 18, 2017
DockATot has been a life savor for us. Our little one would not sleep unless he was being held. He could be sound asleep and the second we put him down he would wake up. I was one tried mama! Then I discovered this wonderful product and ordered it right away. The first night he stayed asleep after putting him down and he slept for 7 hours!! We were also able to transition him from a pack and play in our bedroom to his crib in his own room with absolutely no issues! I highly recommend this product!
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3 Stars
May 18, 2017
I'm not quite sure if it's because my daughter is only 2 1/2 weeks old, but she hasn't taken to the DockATot yet :( Every time I try to lay her down in it she immediately wakes right back up. However there have been a couple times where she has slept in it for at lest 2-3 hours but for the most part she still wakes right up. I'm not going to completely give up just yet. Maybe when shes a little older (after a month or so) she'll take to it more ? Fingers crossed !
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5 Stars
May 17, 2017
Our little one would only sleep on my body, which meant I didn't sleep. I had seen the ads for dockatot but wasn't sure if people's experience was legit. It seemed babies who only liked to be held were feeling comfy and cozy in the dockatot. Finally, a girlfriend told me her baby loved theirs, so I bought one. It only took a week to transition from only on my body to a majority of the night time sleep IN the dock. And he loves to hang out in it during the day too. I bought an additional cover and the arch - fully committed to our dockatot kid! My husband loves the high design, I love the comfort and ease, and baby loves it all.
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3 Stars
May 17, 2017
The quality is very high on this product. Our baby hasn't used it to the extent that we hoped. If it can provide mothers and babies with better night sleep, it's worth every penny. I do think it's overpriced, but irrational decisions can be made when it comes to helping a new mother and child get a good night sleep. I hope everyone gets value from it, just know you baby may or may not take to it.
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5 Stars
May 17, 2017
I must have read reviews for this a hundred times and decided there was no way it could work. Finally decided to get one and am so glad I did! Now after a month (babes is 3 months) we are up to 8 hour stretches of sleep! I can hardly believe it but I'm so thankful and recommend it to everyone!
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5 Stars
May 17, 2017
We absolutely LOVE it and don't know what we would've done without it. Thank YOU!!!! You've allowed us to sleep comfortably with our sweet baby remaining safe.
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5 Stars
May 16, 2017
It is beautiful, the print is sooo gorgeous! My little one won't arrive till august but I cannot wait for him to try it!
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5 Stars
May 15, 2017
100% worth every penny! A complete life saver. My LO loves it and sleeps so much better than ever in it. I can tell he feels like he is being cuddled. I love that I can use it anywhere in the house. It is also the perfect co sleeper. Secure yet still cuddly enough? A complete life saver. I am now getting more sleep than I ever thought possible. Also the deisgn is adorable and the color is so rich. The cloud designs on it help to hide any little spills he may have. Again this is worth every penny!
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4 Stars
May 13, 2017
We like the dock. We ordered it for our 13 week old to transition from the rock n play. While it hasn't been a "miracle" like I'd hoped, it's been good. He wakes 2-3 times per night in the dock as opposed to once in his rock n play. But I love knowing he's in a safe environment for sleep, even if he's waking more frequently. I was also hoping it'd solve our 45 minute nap problem, but it hasn't. However, he does get put in his dock awake and is able to fall asleep on his own. Again, I love knowing he's in a safe sleeping environment even if he's not able to nap longer. Overall we're happy.
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5 Stars
May 13, 2017
This makes co-sleeping nice since I was so afraid to have him in the bed with me or just to lounge while I'm doing things or getting ready. He is comfy,cozy. It is pricey compared to real co-sleepers that fit in the bed, but it is a great product. I like I can bring it to friends houses too and he has a place to lay.
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5 Stars
May 13, 2017
My husband and i were skeptical on ordering a dockatot because of the price, especially since we already had a bassinet and our little one was already 3months, but the raving reviews made me curious enough to buy! We've had it for about 3 weeks now and we couldn't be happier with the purchase. Our little girl loves loves loves her dockatot! She falls asleep quicker and stays asleep longer. I do wish the deluxe was 0-12months instead of 0-8 to get more use out of it. Will more than likely get the grand when the new collection drops in the fall!
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5 Stars
May 13, 2017
Dock a Tot has been a great addition for our now 2 month. I will admit that at first I was skeptical that something like this could help with sleep. But after using it consistently for a few nights baby was more settled and relaxed. Now after 3 weeks of use, he consistently sleeping 5-6 hours without waking. Would highly recommend!
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5 Stars
May 12, 2017
We love our Dock a Tot! Our son would only sleep for 30 minutes to an hour in his bassinet. He wanted to be held all night. Although I loved the cuddles it wasn't a sustainable sleeping arrangement. First night with our Dock a Tot he went 5 hours! We did pair it with a tight swaddle.. we weren't really swaddling bc he seemed to hate it. The combination was awesome. At 7 weeks making it 6.5 hours between feedings.
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