BEST lunch or school bag for Toddler and Kids!
June 18, 2019
I ordered a second Zoo lunchie School Kids lunch bag, but this time added to my 5-years-old sons' Marshall the Monkey Skil Hop Zoo Collections! This lunch bag is very light and well insulated to keep foods and snacks cold or warm for hours. I managed to put one entire lunchables kit, Capri sun, kids' yogurt-pack, to-go-chips, and two zip lock snacks and or cookies in this bag! It was so light to carry and the zipper opens entirely except at the seams. The door side of the insulated bag has additional interior pocket to put additional snacks or drink! I highly recommend parents to this lunch bag! It is easy to wipe and clean and the look is incredibly cute! We love Marshall the Monkey and Snazzy the Shark!
This product review was collected by the manufacturer.