Ratings Summary
out of 5.0
2983 Reviews
Ratings Snapshot
of Reviewers
3 Stars
March 20, 2019
I was hopeful to use as travel napping bed for my 2 month old She does not understand how to nap in it :(
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5 Stars
March 20, 2019
We loooove both of them! Cute fabrics and very practical ... one for upstairs and one for the downstairs!
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5 Stars
March 20, 2019
Most usefull product ever I would recommend to all mommies
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5 Stars
March 20, 2019
Definitely a newborn essential! Our little girl loves sleeping in her dock a tot and so easy to bring her from room to room
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5 Stars
March 19, 2019
You need it!! We bought the dockatot when my daughter was 2 weeks old. We should had bought it before she was born!!! We got her to sleep 6 hours instead of 2 in the first week of using it. Now, she is 6 weeks old and she sleeps during the night from 8 to 10 hours in a row. I am planing to buy the big Dockatot too due to the great results :) Best purchase ever!!!
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5 Stars
March 19, 2019
So far our 4 month old baby girl gives us a solid extra hour and a half of sleep in the morning if she sleeps in the DockATot!
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5 Stars
March 19, 2019
I have other bassinets/cosleepers but after all the great reviews and having a baby that wanted to be held while sleeping, I went ahead and got this, despite being a little skeptical. All I can say is that this thing is genius. My 6 week old baby loves it and took to it right away.
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5 Stars
March 18, 2019
I ordered this for our soon to be here baby girl. I got it the next day which was super fast and amazing! The color is cute and I can't wait to use it. We have so many friends who swear by it and I'm sure we will too. If you are thinking of buying a carrying case I would wait until you get your dock a tot in the mail because it comes with a clear carrying case that will likely work for travel without buying something additional.
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5 Stars
March 18, 2019
We love the dock a tot! Emma loves to lay in it while watching her brother and sister play
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5 Stars
March 17, 2019
Love our Dockatot! One of the best baby purchases we've made. We have been very happy with it as a cosleeper and lounger, it looks and feels snug but she loves it.
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2 Stars
March 14, 2019
This was too snug for my kid and she just couldn't get comfortable to sleep.
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3 Stars
March 14, 2019
It's very nice, wish I would've gotten the next bigger size one though since my daughter is so long she just fits in it. I can sleep a lot better at night knowing she is nice and snuggled in her dock a tot.
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5 Stars
March 14, 2019
Love it! Helps me sleep so much more! Since day one he just loves the snug feeling. Has been using it for a month now. He is 3 months old!
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5 Stars
March 14, 2019
So happy with my Dockatot! It's a game changer. My baby is also loving it. Great for traveling as you can take it anywhere you go.
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5 Stars
March 14, 2019
I have to be completely honest and say that I originally thought this baby product was unnecessary. I had my 3rd child and had been seeing for months my new-mom fiends on my timeline mentioning DockATot. I attributed it to the brand new mom "I need every baby product" mentality. Well, after I had my baby she only slept being cradled in my arms and did not like being swaddled. I looked for and asked around for suggestions so she could sleep safely but still feel snug and so I could also sleep. It all kept coming back to the DockATot. I finally caved and ordered one and oh my goodness. The first night she slept! And so did I! At almost six weeks old she has slept through the night the last three nights. She seems so comfortable and snug and safe. I just wish I had this product for my other two children. Thank you and my apologies for originally being judgmental
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5 Stars
March 14, 2019
The dock a tot has been a life saver! My daughter has given us 3-4 hour stretches each night and is doing great sleeping flat on her back. It is such a relief to have a safe sleep space for her that doesn't compromise her comfort.
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5 Stars
March 14, 2019
Our girl has slept in her dock a tot since she transitioned to her crib and has been sleeping 12 hours through the night. We recently purchased a second one to keep at the babysitter's house for nap time. We love it!!!
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5 Stars
March 11, 2019
We love our Dock A Tot! My daughter is 3 months old and it has been perfect for transitioning out of her swing for nap time.
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5 Stars
March 11, 2019
I sent this as a gift for my daughter in law, and she loves it. I fell in love with the pattern. If your looking for a versital gift that has a WOW factor and good quality, this is it! This product will remain my go to gift.
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5 Stars
March 11, 2019
My little one is 2 months and she sleeps great in her dock A tot!
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5 Stars
March 10, 2019
The black and white is great for the early days of sight development. She stares at the print often. Although this isn't recommended we cosleep with our dockatot and couldn't be happier. To my daughter, the only thing better than her dockatot is daddy's chest.
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5 Stars
March 9, 2019
Love the pattern and the soft feel of the fabric. Can't wait to use it!
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5 Stars
March 8, 2019
WE ADORE the Dock A Tot! It has made our life with our 6 month old so easy and we can't wait to upgrade to the Grand! Highly recommend!
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5 Stars
March 8, 2019
I love my doc a tot! My baby sleeps in it better than he does anywhere else. It's been a life saver for diaper changes. The materials are very high quality and over all I'm incredibly impressed with the product. I will be buying the larger size when my baby grows out of this one.
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5 Stars
March 8, 2019
I was skeptical to spend so much money on this, but I'm SO glad I decided to try it! My 3 month old went from taking an hour or longer to finally fall asleep, and then startling herself awake throughout the night.. to being able to be put in her crib awake and falling asleep on her own within minutes with no crying! I no longer have to keep putting her pacifier in ever 10 minutes while she is falling asleep. She sleeps through the night some nights, or wakes up once to eat most nights and falls right back asleep. It has helped tremendously with tummy time as well. Her sleep patterns, and tummy time play changed from the very first use. It has proven to be worth every penny because everyone in my house is getting more sleep! I cannot recommend this highly enough. I do not see any way that this product would disappoint. Its a must have! Do yourself a favor and prioritize your sleep too with this purchase!!
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5 Stars
March 7, 2019
Our babe loves to hang out in the 'Tot. He likes the snug feeling and we love how happy he is in it.
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5 Stars
March 7, 2019
I receive my DockATot within days, I'm so excited to get to use it when my baby is here, this is definitely a must! A highly recommended it! You can definitely tell that it's high quality, and the floral style is so beautiful, I look forward to purchasing more covers for it (:
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5 Stars
March 5, 2019
The Dock A Tot is beautifully made and the fabric is very durable.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2019
Our daughter loves her Dockatot. She is 3 months old and she sleeps 7-8 hours straight in it. Before we got one she would only be able to sleep for two hours. We are so grateful that she is comfortable and able to #sleep.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2019
I ordered this for my 3rd baby coming in June but have already used it with my 5 month old nephew & week old niece who both have slept AMAZING in it! I am excited to share it with my sister & brother as their babies would most definitely benefit from one of their own! My 5 month old nephew loved the toy bar & was gabbering at it for quite awhile.
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5 Stars
March 3, 2019
Best purchase I've ever made! He sleeps in this every single time with no fuss
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5 Stars
March 2, 2019
Best gift ever!!! My baby goes sleep at 8:30 every night until 7:30 am I highly recommend it.
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5 Stars
March 2, 2019
My 1 month old sleeps the very best in the DockATot. He hated his crib and didn't sleep well, but now he gets 2-3 hour stretches of sleep. He is much comfier and happier!
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5 Stars
March 1, 2019
My new grandson sleeps GREAT! HE don't seem to be fussy and he seems comfortable and happy
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5 Stars
March 1, 2019
I have purchased 3 of these products for my Great Grandchildren and one friend. They all love the product.
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5 Stars
March 1, 2019
I love it! and so does Tjay he wouldn't sleep in his bassinet he only wanted to sleep literally on my chest or breathing right in front of my face on the pillow with me. So worth the money!
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5 Stars
March 1, 2019
She doesn't like the Halo bassinet by itself! But with the Dock, she loves it! She sleeps 6 hours straight, she wakes up to be nursed and goes back to sleep! this is a life saver, I can sleep and wake up rested the next day!!
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5 Stars
February 28, 2019
My little girl loves the DockATot. She is 6 weeks old and sleeps anywhere from 5-6 hours and has pushed longer this past week.
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5 Stars
February 27, 2019
We travel so much I needed something I could rely one to keep her cozy no matter where we were when she fell asleep. She sleeps so soundly and snuggles up in it everywhere we go!
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3 Stars
February 27, 2019
Love the entire concept and design except the accessibility to change the cover . Babies spit up and have accidents often . Luckily sugar babies offers slip on covers to fix this issue !
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5 Stars
February 27, 2019
My baby sleeps through the entire night and loves her doc. We might love it more than her! We will definitely be upgrading when she grows out of her delux. Thank you!
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3 Stars
February 26, 2019
It was great with co sleeping kinda tough at times afterwards with washing it and putting it back together. I do recommend to get your mommy sent onto the cover as much as you can that helped my baby girl feel more comfortable and sleep longer!
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3 Stars
February 26, 2019
After reading all of the reviews, I was hoping the DockaTot would be the answer to my sleepless nights, but I honestly don't see any difference. My 5 week old sleeps the same in the DockaTot as she does in her bassinet or crib, unfortunately. Incredibly disappointing especially given the high price point.
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5 Stars
February 25, 2019
Absouletly it!! and so does my girl. Sleeping soundly. Everyone needs this in their life.
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5 Stars
February 25, 2019
My son was about 4 months old when we got the dock a tot. He loves to be swaddled and he was at the point where it wasn't safe. This caused some sleep disruption. On top of him refusing to sleep in his bed without being swaddled, he started teething. He was irritable and fussy. We have had it for a couple of weeks and I love it. He still doesn't sleep for long stretches, but we are still transitioning from the swaddle and getting rid of hi startle reflex, as well as teething. However, he does let me lay him down, and he stays asleep, or falls asleep while in his dock a tot. It is portable and goes everywhere. Plus I get to co-sleep now! Which makes nighttime nursing much more convenient. I am encouraged that when he learns to sleep without his swaddle that he will sleep even better in his dock a tot.
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5 Stars
February 25, 2019
My son loves his Dock-a-tot! This has been a lifesaver to get our son to sleep. It keeps him on his back and I can relax knowing he's in a safe space for naps/sleep. It's also super easy to wash when he spits up on it or has a blowout.
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5 Stars
February 24, 2019
I Brought it for my daughter's baby shower. We haven't used it yet.
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5 Stars
February 24, 2019
We love our dock! We went straight from the deluxe to the grand! Both were excellent! My girl has slept like a champ in them from day one!
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5 Stars
February 23, 2019
Ever since we got this, my baby no longer fusses for nap time and sleeps almost 11 hours ever night! We first got it when she was 4 months old and she's now 6 months and has slept well every night since. I will forever buy a DockATot, life saver.
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5 Stars
February 23, 2019
We loved our own dock a tot and have gifted it to others twice now, but I received feedback saying that the message we sent with our dock a tot gift never made it to the expectant parents. It's disappointing when spending so much money that the service side of the purchase is lacking. The product speaks for itself. Great quality and our son loved it. We're even considering buying the toddler version. You won't be disappointed. Worth the money! If you're gifting just know that it will be anonymous unless you tell tell the soon to be's, regardless of your comments or message at check out...
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